Mickey Gilley
There Goes My Everything

There goes my only possession!
There goes my everything!

I hear footsteps slowly walking
As they gently walk across the lonely floor
And a voice is softly saying
Darling, this will be goodbye for evermore!

There goes my reason for living!
There goes the one of my dreams!
There goes my only possession!
There goes my everything!

As my memory turns back the pages
I can see the happy years we've had before.
Now the love that kept this old heart beating
Has been shattered by the closing of a door!

There goes my reason for living!
There goes the one of my dreams!
There goes my only possession!
There goes my everything!

There goes my only possession!
There goes my everything!..

Mirror lyrics:

There goes my everything!..
There goes my only possession!

There goes my everything!
There goes my only possession!
There goes the one of my dreams!
There goes my reason for living!

Has been shattered by the closing of a door!
Now the love that kept this old heart beating
I can see the happy years we've had before.
As my memory turns back the pages

There goes my everything!
There goes my only possession!
There goes the one of my dreams!
There goes my reason for living!

Darling, this will be goodbye for evermore!
And a voice is softly saying
As they gently walk across the lonely floor
I hear footsteps slowly walking

There goes my everything!
There goes my only possession!

Relevant Tags:
TThere GGoes MMy EEverything here oes y verything hTere oGes yM vEerything fhere hoes jy sverything fThere hGoes jMy sEverything Tfhere Ghoes Mjy Esverything
5here yoes ky 3verything 5There yGoes kMy 3Everything T5here Gyoes Mky E3verything hhere boes ny fverything hThere bGoes nMy fEverything Thhere Gboes Mny Efverything
yhere voes Myy rverything yThere vGoes M rEverything Tyhere Gvoes My Erverything 6here foes Mg 4verything 6There fGoes Mgy 4Everything T6here Gfoes Myg E4verything
ghere toes Mh dverything gThere tGoes Mhy dEverything Tghere Gtoes Myh Edverything rhere Gooes M6 wverything rThere Ges M6y wEverything Trhere Geos My6 Ewverything
Gkes Mu Evverything Tere Gkoes Muy Eerything Tehre Gokes Myu Eevrything Tjere G9es M7 Eberything Tjhere G9oes M7y Ebverything Thjere Go9es My7 Evberything
Tuere G0es Mj Ecerything Tuhere G0oes Ecverything Thuere Go0es Myj Evcerything Tnere Gles Mt Egerything Tnhere Gloes Mty Egverything Thnere Goles Myt Evgerything
Tbere Gies Eferything Tbhere Gioes Thbere Goies Evferything Tgere Goees Eveerything Gos Evrything Thgere Gose Evreything
Tyere Goss Evsrything Goses Evserything Thyere Goess Evesrything Theere Go3s Ev3rything Thre Go3es Ev3erything Three Goe3s Eve3rything
Thsre Gofs Evfrything Thsere Gofes Thesre Goefs Evefrything Th3re Gors Evrrything Th3ere Gores Evrerything The3re Goers Everrything
Thfre Go4s Ev4rything Thfere Go4es Ev4erything Thefre Goe4s Eve4rything Thrre Gods Evdrything Threre Godes Evderything Therre Goeds Evedrything
Th4re Gows Evwrything Th4ere Gowes Evwerything The4re Goews Evewrything Thdre Thdere Goe Eveything Thedre Goes Eveyrthing
Thwre Goez Evedything Thwere Goezs Thewre Goesz Everdything Goew Eve4ything Thee Theer Goesw Ever4ything
Thede Goed Evegything Evegrything Therde Goesd Evergything The4e Goee Evetything Evetrything Ther4e Goese Evertything
Thege Goex Eve5ything Thegre Goexs Eve5rything Therge Goesx Ever5ything Thete Goea Evefything Thetre Goeas Therte Goesa Everfything
The5e Eveeything The5re Ther5e Evereything Thefe Everyything Everthing Therfe Evertyhing
Theee Evergthing Theree Everygthing Everhthing Ther Everhything There Everyhthing Thers Ever6thing

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