Mickey Gilley
She Cheats On Me

(Glenn Barber)

She wakes me every morning with a touch of her hand
A soft voice says good morning dear
Lips like red roses whisper my name
And I thrill to her presence so near.

Eyes bright as midnight a purplish gleam
And a luster that grows from her cheeks
My tears they almost show but she must never know
That I know that she cheats on me.

She stand at the doorway and smiles up at me
And then she says darling, have a good day
A sweet kind of sadness swells up in my heart
As I look down at her angel face.

She's hiding a secret that I help her keep
To lose her I couldn't conceive
So I just let it go, so she will never know
That I know that she cheats on me.

I come home in the evening, she meets me at the door
Her smile melts my anger away
A warm cup of coffee, my slippers by the chair
It's the end of another long day.

I can't fight this feeling that I have for my wife
Such beauty to lie and deceive
So I just let her go, so she must never know
That I know that she cheats on me...

Mirror lyrics:

That I know that she cheats on me...
So I just let her go, so she must never know
Such beauty to lie and deceive
I can't fight this feeling that I have for my wife

It's the end of another long day.
A warm cup of coffee, my slippers by the chair
Her smile melts my anger away
I come home in the evening, she meets me at the door

That I know that she cheats on me.
So I just let it go, so she will never know
To lose her I couldn't conceive
She's hiding a secret that I help her keep

As I look down at her angel face.
A sweet kind of sadness swells up in my heart
And then she says darling, have a good day
She stand at the doorway and smiles up at me

That I know that she cheats on me.
My tears they almost show but she must never know
And a luster that grows from her cheeks
Eyes bright as midnight a purplish gleam

And I thrill to her presence so near.
Lips like red roses whisper my name
A soft voice says good morning dear
She wakes me every morning with a touch of her hand

(Glenn Barber)

Relevant Tags:
SShe CCheats OOn MMe he heats n e hSe hCeats nO eM zhe fheats kn je zShe fCheats kOn jMe Szhe Cfheats Okn Mje whe xheats 9n ke
wShe xCheats 9On kMe Swhe Cxheats O9n Mke dhe vheats 0n ne dShe vCheats 0On nMe Sdhe Cvheats O0n Mne ehe dheats ln Mee eShe dCheats lOn M
Sehe Cdheats Oln Me xhe Chheats in Ms xShe Ceats iOn Mse Sxhe Cehats Oin Mes ahe Cjeats Onn M3 aShe Cjheats O M3e Sahe Chjeats On Me3
Shhe Cueats Om Mf Se Cuheats Omn Mfe Seh Chueats Onm Mef Sje Cneats Oh Mr Sjhe Cnheats Ohn Mre Shje Chneats Onh Mer Sue Cbeats Oj M4
Suhe Cbheats Ojn M4e Shue Chbeats Onj Me4 Sne Cgeats Ob Md Snhe Cgheats Obn Mde Shne Chgeats Onb Med Sbe Cyeats Mw Sbhe Cyheats Mwe
Shbe Chyeats Mew Sge Cheeats Sghe Chats Shge Chaets Sye Chsats Syhe Chseats Shye Chesats
Shee Ch3ats Sh Ch3eats She Che3ats Shs Chfats Shse Chfeats Shes Chefats Sh3 Chrats
Sh3e Chreats She3 Cherats Shf Ch4ats Shfe Ch4eats Shef Che4ats Shr Chdats Shre Chdeats
Sher Chedats Sh4 Chwats Sh4e Chweats She4 Chewats Shd Cheaats

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