Mickey Gilley
It's Just A Matter Of Making Up My Mind

Oh, the sun's gonna come up tomorow
And I'm gonna live to see it shine
I won't stop livin' just because you're leavin'
It's just a matter of makin' up my mind.

My world will keep turnin' without you
Somehow I'll forget you in time
If not today then I will someday
It's just a matter of makin' up my mind.

I can survive and get over you
Perhaps not now but there'll come a time
For I can do anything that I have to do
It's just a matter of makin' up my mind.

It's just a matter of makin' up my mind...

Mirror lyrics:

It's just a matter of makin' up my mind...

It's just a matter of makin' up my mind.
For I can do anything that I have to do
Perhaps not now but there'll come a time
I can survive and get over you

It's just a matter of makin' up my mind.
If not today then I will someday
Somehow I'll forget you in time
My world will keep turnin' without you

It's just a matter of makin' up my mind.
I won't stop livin' just because you're leavin'
And I'm gonna live to see it shine
Oh, the sun's gonna come up tomorow

Relevant Tags:
IIt's JJust AA MMatter OOf MMaking UUp MMy MMind t's ust atter f aking p y ind tI's uJst A aMtter fO aMking pU yM iMnd
jt's kust z jatter kf jaking hp jy jind jIt's kJust zA jMatter kOf jMaking hUp jMy jMind Ijt's Jkust Az Mjatter Okf Mjaking Uhp Mjy Mjind
9t's iust q katter 9f kaking 7p ky kind 9It's iJust qA kMatter 9Of kMaking 7Up kMy kMind I9t's Jiust Aq Mkatter O9f Mkaking U7p Mky Mkind
lt's must s natter 0f naking kp ny nind lIt's mJust sA nMatter 0Of nMaking kUp nMy nMind Ilt's Jmust As Mnatter O0f Mnaking Ukp Mny Mnind
ot's nust w Maatter lf Maaking ip Myy Miind oIt's nJust wA Mtter lOf Mking iUp M Mnd Iot's Jnust Aw Mtater Olf Mkaing Uip My Mnid
kt's hust x Mztter if Mzking 8p Mg Mjnd kIt's hJust xA Mzatter iOf Mzaking 8Up Mgy Ikt's Jhust Ax Maztter Oif Mazking U8p Myg Mijnd
8t's uust Mqtter Off Mqking jp Mh M9nd 8It's uJust Mqatter O Mqaking jUp Mhy M9ind I8t's Juust Maqtter Of Maqking Ujp Myh Mi9nd
ut's Mstter Oc Msking yp M6 Mlnd uIt's Jst Msatter Ocf Msaking yUp M6y Mlind Iut's Jsut Mastter Ofc Masking Uyp My6 Milnd
Itt's Jhst Mwtter Or Mwking Upp Mu Mond I's Mwatter Orf Mwaking U Muy Moind I'ts Juhst Mawtter Ofr Mawking Up Myu Miond
If's J7st Mxtter Og Mxking U0 M7 Mknd Ift's J7ust Mxatter Ogf Mxaking U0p M7y Itf's Ju7st Maxtter Ofg Maxking Up0 My7 Miknd
I5's Jkst Mattter Ot Makking Ul Mj M8nd I5t's Mater Otf Maing Ulp M8ind It5's Jukst Matter Oft Maikng Upl Myj Mi8nd
Ih's Jist Mafter Ov Maling Uo Mt Mund Iht's Maftter Ovf Malking Uop Mty Muind Ith's Juist Matfter Ofv Makling Upo Myt Miund
Iy's J8st Ma5ter Od Maoing Minnd Iyt's J8ust Ma5tter Odf Maoking Mid Ity's Ju8st Mat5ter Ofd Makoing Midn
I6's Jjst Mahter Maming Mimd I6t's Jjust Mahtter Mamking Mimnd It6's Jujst Mathter Makming Minmd
Ig's Jyst Mayter Majing Mihd Igt's Jyust Maytter Majking Mihnd Itg's Juyst Matyter Makjing Minhd
Ir's Jusst Ma6ter Maiing Mijd Irt's Jut Ma6tter Maiking Itr's Juts Mat6ter Makiing Minjd
It''s Juzt Magter Mibd Its Juzst Magtter Makng Mibnd Its' Juszt Matgter Maknig Minbd
It'ss Juwt Marter Makjng Mindd It' Juwst Martter Min It's Juswt Matrter Makijng Mind
It'z Judt Mak9ng Minx

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