Mickey & Sylvia
Love Is Strange

Love mmm
love is strange yeah yeah
lot of people mmm take it for a game
once you get it mmm you never wanna quit no no
after you've had it yeah yeah you're in an awful fix

Many people mmm don't understand no no
they think love is yeah yeah is money in the hand
your sweet lovin' mmm is better than a kiss yeah yeah
when you leave me mmm sweet kisses I'll miss


Yes, Mickey

How do you call your loverboy?

Come here loverboy!

And if he doesn't answer?

Oh loverboy..

And if he still doesn't answer?

I simply say:
Baby, ooh baby, my sweet baby you're the one

Baby mmm, ooh baby yeah yeah, my sweet baby mmm you're the one

Mirror lyrics:

Baby mmm, ooh baby yeah yeah, my sweet baby mmm you're the one

Baby, ooh baby, my sweet baby you're the one
I simply say:

And if he still doesn't answer?

Oh loverboy..

And if he doesn't answer?

Come here loverboy!

How do you call your loverboy?

Yes, Mickey


when you leave me mmm sweet kisses I'll miss
your sweet lovin' mmm is better than a kiss yeah yeah
they think love is yeah yeah is money in the hand
Many people mmm don't understand no no

after you've had it yeah yeah you're in an awful fix
once you get it mmm you never wanna quit no no
lot of people mmm take it for a game
love is strange yeah yeah
Love mmm

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LLove IIs SStrange ove s trange oLve sI tSrange kove js ztrange kLove jIs zStrange Lkove Ijs Sztrange oove 9s wtrange
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Liove Izs S5trange Loive Isz St5range Lovve Iw Shrange Loe Iws Shtrange Loev Isw Sthrange Lobe Id Syrange Lobve Ids Sytrange
Lovbe Isd Styrange Loce Ie S6range Locve Ies S6trange Lovce Ise St6range Loge Ix Sgrange Logve Ixs Sgtrange Lovge Isx Stgrange
Lofe Ia Srrange Lofve Ias Srtrange Lovfe Isa Strrange Lovee Lov Stange Love Starnge Lovs Stdange
Lovse Stdrange Loves Strdange Lov3 St4ange Lov3e St4range Love3 Str4ange Lovf Stgange Lovef Strgange
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