Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Wrong Thing Right Then

So here's what happend this time
I'm sure that it's the last time
I'm over going , over it
it's over once again.
What am I gonna do with me
I blew the oppertunity
By saying something ass and I've
gotta wash this mouth of mine.
I sure said the wrong thing right then
Try to forgive
I'll never say that again
as long as I live.
As I remember the events
I'm trying hard to make some sense
my mouth is my archnemisis
You'd think that I'd be used to this.
Nothing nice to say, sticks and stones
I blew it now and I'm all alone
Let me take you back I was only joking
My mouth is shut but my heart is broken.
I sure said the wrong thing right then
Try to forgive
I'll never say that again

as long as I live.
I sure said the wrong thing - Right then I said the wrong thing
I sure said the wrong thing - Right then I said the wrong thing
I sure said the wrong thing - Right then I said the wrong thing
I sure said the wrong thing right then.
I was way ahead and I should have quit
Instead I put my foot in it
My mouth I hold responsible
What I need now's a miracle
So that's what happend this time
No question it's the last time
If I can hide this one with the skin
I'll mind the mouth that got me in
I sure said the wrong thing - Right then I said the wrong thing
I sure said the wrong thing - Right then I said the wrong thing
I sure said the wrong thing right then
Try to forgive
I'll never say that again
As long as I live.

Mirror lyrics:

As long as I live.
I'll never say that again
Try to forgive
I sure said the wrong thing right then
I sure said the wrong thing - Right then I said the wrong thing
I sure said the wrong thing - Right then I said the wrong thing
I'll mind the mouth that got me in
If I can hide this one with the skin
No question it's the last time
So that's what happend this time
What I need now's a miracle
My mouth I hold responsible
Instead I put my foot in it
I was way ahead and I should have quit
I sure said the wrong thing right then.
I sure said the wrong thing - Right then I said the wrong thing
I sure said the wrong thing - Right then I said the wrong thing
I sure said the wrong thing - Right then I said the wrong thing
as long as I live.

I'll never say that again
Try to forgive
I sure said the wrong thing right then
My mouth is shut but my heart is broken.
Let me take you back I was only joking
I blew it now and I'm all alone
Nothing nice to say, sticks and stones
You'd think that I'd be used to this.
my mouth is my archnemisis
I'm trying hard to make some sense
As I remember the events
as long as I live.
I'll never say that again
Try to forgive
I sure said the wrong thing right then
gotta wash this mouth of mine.
By saying something ass and I've
I blew the oppertunity
What am I gonna do with me
it's over once again.
I'm over going , over it
I'm sure that it's the last time
So here's what happend this time

Relevant Tags:
WWrong TThing RRight TThen rong hing ight hen rWong hTing iRght hTen arong fhing dight fhen aWrong fThing dRight fThen Warong Tfhing Rdight Tfhen
3rong 5hing 4ight 5hen 3Wrong 5Thing 4Right 5Then W3rong T5hing R4ight T5hen drong hhing gight hhen dWrong hThing gRight hThen Wdrong Thhing Rgight Thhen
erong yhing tight yhen eWrong yThing tRight yThen Werong Tyhing Rtight Tyhen srong 6hing 5ight 6hen sWrong 6Thing 5Right 6Then Wsrong T6hing R5ight T6hen
2rong ghing fight ghen 2Wrong gThing fRight gThen W2rong Tghing Rfight Tghen qrong rhing eight rhen qWrong rThing eRight rThen Wqrong Trhing Reight Trhen
Wrrong Riight Wong Ting Rght Ten Worng Tihng Rgiht Tehn Wdong Tjing Rjght Tjen Tjhing Rjight Tjhen Wrdong Thjing Rijght Thjen
W4ong Tuing R9ght Tuen W4rong Tuhing R9ight Tuhen Wr4ong Thuing Ri9ght Thuen Wgong Tning Rlght Tnen Wgrong Tnhing Rlight Tnhen Wrgong Thning Rilght Thnen
Wtong Tbing Roght Tben Wtrong Tbhing Roight Tbhen Wrtong Thbing Rioght Thben W5ong Tging Rkght Tgen W5rong Rkight Wr5ong Thging Rikght Thgen
Wfong Tying R8ght Tyen Wfrong R8ight Wrfong Thying Ri8ght Thyen Weong Thiing Rught Theen Thng Ruight Thn Wreong Thnig Riught Thne
Wroong Thjng Rigght Thsn Wrng Riht Thsen Wrnog Thijng Rihgt Thesn Wrkng Th9ng Rihht Th3n Wrkong Th9ing Rihght Th3en Wrokng Thi9ng Righht The3n

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