Midnight Riders
Save Me Some Sugar

The bus is on the road
Sweet Georgia fades away
We'll be burnin' down Louisiana
By the very next day

No, sleep will never take me
My mind is stuck on you
Oh you'd better be laying awake
Thinking of me too

I'll ask one thing
Not that you'd be true
The thing I'm asking of you

Save me some sugar
This won't take long
I won't promise to stay the night
I won't sing you no song

Save me some sugar
That's all I'll ask of you
You're my old lady
But the road's my lady too.

Aw yeah

Thank you for your sugar
Sugar you broke down the night
I was seein' stars on the bedroom walls
Full moon in your eyes

This don't mean nothin'
Well I'm just passing time
A part of you I'll take with me
But most I'll leave behind

One day i'll be back
It might not be too soon
I pray there's something left of you

Save me some sugar
This won't take long
Don't give me too much
I won't be there when you fall

Save me some sugar
That's all you gotta do

Mirror lyrics:

That's all you gotta do
Save me some sugar

I won't be there when you fall
Don't give me too much
This won't take long
Save me some sugar

I pray there's something left of you
It might not be too soon
One day i'll be back

But most I'll leave behind
A part of you I'll take with me
Well I'm just passing time
This don't mean nothin'

Full moon in your eyes
I was seein' stars on the bedroom walls
Sugar you broke down the night
Thank you for your sugar

Aw yeah

But the road's my lady too.
You're my old lady
That's all I'll ask of you
Save me some sugar

I won't sing you no song
I won't promise to stay the night
This won't take long
Save me some sugar

The thing I'm asking of you
Not that you'd be true
I'll ask one thing

Thinking of me too
Oh you'd better be laying awake
My mind is stuck on you
No, sleep will never take me

By the very next day
We'll be burnin' down Louisiana
Sweet Georgia fades away
The bus is on the road

Relevant Tags:
SSave MMe SSome SSugar ave e ome ugar aSve eM oSme uSgar zave je zome zugar zSave jMe zSome zSugar Szave Mje Szome Szugar
wave ke wome wugar wSave kMe wSome wSugar Swave Mke Swome Swugar dave ne dome dugar dSave nMe dSome dSugar Sdave Mne Sdome Sdugar
eave Mee eome eugar eSave M eSome eSugar Seave Me Seome Seugar xave Ms xome xugar xSave Mse xSome xSugar Sxave Mes Sxome Sxugar
aave M3 aome augar aSave M3e aSome aSugar Saave Me3 Saome Saugar Mf Soome Suugar Sve Mfe Sme Sgar Svae Mef Smoe Sguar
Szve Mr Skme Shgar Mre Skome Shugar Sazve Mer Sokme Suhgar Sqve M4 S9me S7gar Sqave M4e S9ome S7ugar Saqve Me4 So9me Su7gar
Ssve Md S0me Skgar Ssave Mde S0ome Skugar Sasve Med So0me Sukgar Swve Mw Slme Sigar Mwe Slome Siugar Sawve Mew Solme Suigar
Sxve Sime S8gar Siome S8ugar Saxve Soime Su8gar Savve Somme Sjgar Sae Soe Sjugar Saev Soem Sujgar
Sabe Soje Sygar Sabve Sojme Syugar Savbe Somje Suygar Sace Soke Suggar Sacve Suar Savce Somke Suagr
Sage Sone Suhar Sagve Sonme Savge Somne Sughar Safe Somee Suyar Safve Som

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