Dancing With The Midnight Sun

You have to climb the top
go on, don't give up
it never seems to end

It's controlling me
this ain't what I want to be
save me from this mess

To dance all the night in the midnight sun
that is my dream
the drops lick my skin
I dance with the wind
it blows me away

Du ser hu som danse i skogen
me lette skritt
me lokkane øyne
hu strekke ud hånnå
men du når an ikje

Du ser hu
hu strekke ud hånnå
men du når an ikje
Ã¥ dansa i midnattsol
de e min drøm

To dance all the night in the midnight sun
that is my dream
the drops lick my skin
I dance with the wind
it blows me away

Mirror lyrics:

it blows me away
I dance with the wind
the drops lick my skin
that is my dream
To dance all the night in the midnight sun

de e min drøm
Ã¥ dansa i midnattsol
men du når an ikje
hu strekke ud hånnå
Du ser hu

men du når an ikje
hu strekke ud hånnå
me lokkane øyne
me lette skritt
Du ser hu som danse i skogen

it blows me away
I dance with the wind
the drops lick my skin
that is my dream
To dance all the night in the midnight sun

save me from this mess
this ain't what I want to be
It's controlling me

it never seems to end
go on, don't give up
You have to climb the top

Relevant Tags:
DDancing WWith TThe MMidnight SSun ancing ith he idnight un aDncing iWth hTe iMdnight uSn xancing aith fhe jidnight zun xDancing aWith fThe jMidnight zSun
Dxancing Waith Tfhe Mjidnight Szun eancing 3ith 5he kidnight wun eDancing 3With 5The kMidnight wSun Deancing W3ith T5he Mkidnight Swun fancing dith hhe nidnight dun
fDancing dWith hThe nMidnight dSun Dfancing Wdith Thhe Mnidnight Sdun rancing eith yhe Miidnight eun rDancing eWith yThe Mdnight eSun Drancing Weith Tyhe Mdinight Seun
cancing sith 6he Mjdnight xun cDancing sWith 6The xSun Dcancing Wsith T6he Mijdnight Sxun sancing 2ith ghe M9dnight aun sDancing 2With gThe M9idnight aSun
Dsancing W2ith Tghe Mi9dnight Saun Daancing qith rhe Mldnight Suun Dncing qWith rThe Mlidnight Sn Dnacing Wqith Trhe Mildnight Snu Dzncing Wiith Modnight Shn
Dzancing Wth Te Moidnight Shun Dazncing Wtih Teh Miodnight Suhn Dqncing Wjth Tje Mkdnight S7n Dqancing Wjith Tjhe S7un Daqncing Wijth Thje Mikdnight Su7n
Dsncing W9th Tue M8dnight Skn W9ith Tuhe M8idnight Skun Dasncing Wi9th Thue Mi8dnight Sukn Dwncing Wlth Tne Mudnight Sin Dwancing Wlith Tnhe Muidnight Siun
Dawncing Wilth Thne Miudnight Suin Dxncing Woth Tbe Middnight S8n Woith Tbhe Minight S8un Daxncing Wioth Thbe Mindight Su8n Danncing Wkth Tge Mixnight Sjn
Dacing Wkith Mixdnight Sjun Dacning Wikth Thge Midxnight Sujn Damcing W8th Tye Mienight Syn Damncing W8ith Miednight Syun Danmcing Wi8th Thye Midenight Suyn
Dahcing Wuth Thee Mifnight Sunn Dahncing Wuith Th Mifdnight Su Danhcing Wiuth The Midfnight Sun Dajcing Witth Ths Mirnight Sum Dajncing Wih Thse Mirdnight Sumn
Danjcing Wiht Thes Midrnight Sunm Dabcing Wifh Th3 Micnight Suh Dabncing Wifth Th3e Micdnight Danbcing Witfh The3 Midcnight Sunh Danccing Wi5h Thf Misnight Suj
Daning Wi5th Thfe Misdnight Danicng Wit5h Thef Midsnight Sunj Danfing Wihh Thr Midnnight Sub Danfcing Wihth Thre Midight Subn Dancfing Withh Ther Midinght Sunb
Danxing Wiyh Th4 Midmight Danxcing Wiyth Th4e Midmnight Dancxing Wityh The4 Midnmight Danving Wi6h Thd Midhight Danvcing Wi6th Thde Midhnight
Dancving Wit6h Thed Midnhight Danding Wigh Thw Midjight Dandcing Wigth Thwe Midjnight Dancding Witgh Thew Midnjight Danciing Wirh Midbight
Dancng Wirth Midbnight Dancnig Witrh Midnbight Dancjng Midniight Dancjing Wit Midnght Dancijng With Midngiht
Danc9ng Witj Midnjght

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