Midnight Choir
Heavy Rain

Will there ever be peace in the valley?
Will the angels ever sing?
Will the good Lord's spirit
Bring peace within?

The way you call out my name makes me
I think about the good life
I can have with you
And live the good life like young lovers are supposed to do
I think about the good life
I can have with you
And live the good life like young lovers are supposed to do
When quit those evil ways

Will I ever get out of the rain?
It seem to nail me every time
Heavy rain keeps falling
From a big black sky

The way you call out my name makes me
I think about the good life
I can have with you
And live the good life like young lovers are supposed to do
I think about the good life
I can have with you
And live the good life like young lovers are supposed to do
When quit those evil ways

Heavy rain (*3)

Mirror lyrics:

Heavy rain (*3)

When quit those evil ways
And live the good life like young lovers are supposed to do
I can have with you
I think about the good life
And live the good life like young lovers are supposed to do
I can have with you
I think about the good life
The way you call out my name makes me

From a big black sky
Heavy rain keeps falling
It seem to nail me every time
Will I ever get out of the rain?

When quit those evil ways
And live the good life like young lovers are supposed to do
I can have with you
I think about the good life
And live the good life like young lovers are supposed to do
I can have with you
I think about the good life
The way you call out my name makes me

Bring peace within?
Will the good Lord's spirit
Will the angels ever sing?
Will there ever be peace in the valley?

Relevant Tags:
HHeavy RRain eavy ain eHavy aRin jeavy dain jHeavy dRain Hjeavy Rdain ueavy 4ain uHeavy 4Rain Hueavy R4ain neavy gain nHeavy gRain
Hneavy Rgain beavy tain bHeavy tRain Hbeavy Rtain geavy 5ain gHeavy 5Rain Hgeavy R5ain yeavy fain yHeavy fRain Hyeavy Rfain Heeavy eain
Havy eRain Haevy Reain Hsavy Raain Hseavy Rin Hesavy Rian H3avy Rzin H3eavy Rzain He3avy Razin Hfavy Rqin Hfeavy Rqain Hefavy Raqin
Hravy Rsin Hreavy Rsain Heravy Rasin H4avy Rwin H4eavy Rwain He4avy Rawin Hdavy Rxin Hdeavy Rxain Hedavy Raxin Hwavy Raiin Hweavy Ran
Hewavy Rani Heaavy Rajn Hevy Rajin Hevay Raijn Hezvy Ra9n Hezavy Ra9in

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