Ain't Gonna Cry No More

da da da da dum
um um
yeah yeah, oh, ho oh oh
oh wo
um, can I talk to you for a minute?

[VERSE 1:]
inseparable, that's how we were
through anything, you were my world
i gave to you, you shared with me
for the love of you, i'd give anything
i would chill with you
you and your crew
never complained 'bout the things you do
but i see it now, how it all went down
can't take no more
don't want you around

[HOOK 1]
never told me the whole truth
now i'm wishing that i knew
the real you...
how could you do this to me?
never hurt so much
i see, plans i made for you and me
they can't be...
these are the last tears that you'll see from me

cause i ain't gonna cry no more
cause i'm sick of you hurting me
i ain't gonna cry no more
'cause you don't deserve me
i ain't gonna cry no more
pack your stuff up and leave
i ain't gonna cry no more
cause i'm tired of you, me and she

and now i can't believe all the things you did
all your secret trips, just to see your kids
what about the crib that i've never been?
is that the one that she lives in?
but soon you'll see
that the man he's not
the "un-love" affair will soon be forgot
and you will miss me, but i won't miss you
you can pull the key, cause now we're through

[HOOK 2]

never told me the whole truth
never wishing that i knew the real you...
you didn't have to do what you did to me
never hurt so much i see
plans we made for you and me
they can't be
these are the last tears that you see from me


used to think that you and me were in love for sure
but i was wrong ,cuase you led me on
but now i found i don't need you around
you gotta bounce
i'm tired


ain't gonna cry
i ain't gonna cry
it's not the fact that it's your baby
but it's the fact that you lied
and you hurt me
pack your stuff and leave

i'm sick of you
i'm through with you
i'm done with you
i'm tired of you
i'm tired of your lies
i ain't gonna cry no more

Mirror lyrics:

i ain't gonna cry no more
i'm tired of your lies
i'm tired of you
i'm done with you
i'm through with you
i'm sick of you

pack your stuff and leave
and you hurt me
but it's the fact that you lied
it's not the fact that it's your baby
i ain't gonna cry
ain't gonna cry


i'm tired
you gotta bounce
but now i found i don't need you around
but i was wrong ,cuase you led me on
used to think that you and me were in love for sure


these are the last tears that you see from me
they can't be
plans we made for you and me
never hurt so much i see
you didn't have to do what you did to me
never wishing that i knew the real you...
never told me the whole truth

[HOOK 2]

you can pull the key, cause now we're through
and you will miss me, but i won't miss you
the "un-love" affair will soon be forgot
that the man he's not
but soon you'll see
is that the one that she lives in?
what about the crib that i've never been?
all your secret trips, just to see your kids
and now i can't believe all the things you did

cause i'm tired of you, me and she
i ain't gonna cry no more
pack your stuff up and leave
i ain't gonna cry no more
'cause you don't deserve me
i ain't gonna cry no more
cause i'm sick of you hurting me
cause i ain't gonna cry no more

these are the last tears that you'll see from me
they can't be...
i see, plans i made for you and me
never hurt so much
how could you do this to me?
the real you...
now i'm wishing that i knew
never told me the whole truth
[HOOK 1]

don't want you around
can't take no more
but i see it now, how it all went down
never complained 'bout the things you do
you and your crew
i would chill with you
for the love of you, i'd give anything
i gave to you, you shared with me
through anything, you were my world
inseparable, that's how we were
[VERSE 1:]

um, can I talk to you for a minute?
oh wo
yeah yeah, oh, ho oh oh
um um
da da da da dum

Relevant Tags:
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Aiin't tonna Cdy Nk M9re An't tGonna Nko M9ore Ani't Gtonna Crdy Nok Mo9re Ajn't Goonna C4y N9 M0re Ajin't Gnna C4ry N9o M0ore Aijn't Gnona Cr4y No9 Mo0re
A9n't Gknna Cgy N0 Mlre A9in't Gkonna Cgry N0o Mlore Ai9n't Goknna Crgy No0 Molre Aln't G9nna Cty Nl Mire Alin't G9onna Ctry Nlo Miore Ailn't Go9nna Crty Nol Moire
Aon't G0nna C5y Ni Morre Aoin't G0onna C5ry Nio Moe Aion't Go0nna Cr5y Noi Moer Akn't Glnna Cfy Mode Akin't Glonna Modre Aikn't Golnna Crfy Morde
A8n't Ginna Cey Mo4e A8in't Gionna Cery Mo4re Ai8n't Goinna Crey Mor4e Aun't Gonnna Cryy Moge Auin't Gona Cr Mogre Aiun't Gonna Cry Morge

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