Down 4 Whatever

If I told you
I'd be the one to make all of your dreams true
If I gave you
All of the things that make a man feel so o0o
If I made you
commit to me before before I give it to you
If I had to
I'd would change the world and make it feel love for you

If you do
what i say to
I promise we can do whateva' -- You want to
cause I want you
Say love me & I'm down 4 whateva'
If you do
what i say to
I promise we can do whateva' -- You want to
cause I want you
Say love me & I'm down 4 whateva'

Now that it's clear I hope you understand the way I'm feelin
And now that you're here you can't stop thinking of what I want to hear
Now that it's true I can stop holdin' back and do what I do
And when we're through I can lay in your arms and say I love you

I believe we can be
Whateva we want to no matter the dilemma
And I believe that they'll see its me n u forever
Now we finally got together
And I believe it will be all about us to cause baby I love you
And then they will see what we mean
When we say we were together for eternity

If you do
what i say to
I promise we can do whateva' -- You want to
cause I want you
Say love me & I'm down 4 whateva'
If you do
what i say to
I promise we can do whateva' -- You want to
cause I want you
Say love me & I'm down 4 whateva'

Tell me what happens when you think of me
Do you think of the things that I'm feeling
Cause when I see you I start trembling
My knees start shakin' just glad to be with you
Tell me your love will always be with me
Promise me you would never leave
And then take me where I want to be
Cause I need you baby, I'm needing you crazy (ohoh!I!!)

If you do
what i say to
I promise we can do whateva' -- You want to
cause I want you
Say love me & I'm down 4 whateva'
If you do
what i say to
I promise we can do whateva' -- You want to
cause I want you
Say love me & I'm down 4 whateva'

[chorus to fade]

Mirror lyrics:

[chorus to fade]

Say love me & I'm down 4 whateva'
cause I want you
I promise we can do whateva' -- You want to
what i say to
If you do
Say love me & I'm down 4 whateva'
cause I want you
I promise we can do whateva' -- You want to
what i say to
If you do

Cause I need you baby, I'm needing you crazy (ohoh!I!!)
And then take me where I want to be
Promise me you would never leave
Tell me your love will always be with me
My knees start shakin' just glad to be with you
Cause when I see you I start trembling
Do you think of the things that I'm feeling
Tell me what happens when you think of me

Say love me & I'm down 4 whateva'
cause I want you
I promise we can do whateva' -- You want to
what i say to
If you do
Say love me & I'm down 4 whateva'
cause I want you
I promise we can do whateva' -- You want to
what i say to
If you do

When we say we were together for eternity
And then they will see what we mean
And I believe it will be all about us to cause baby I love you
Now we finally got together
And I believe that they'll see its me n u forever
Whateva we want to no matter the dilemma
I believe we can be

And when we're through I can lay in your arms and say I love you
Now that it's true I can stop holdin' back and do what I do
And now that you're here you can't stop thinking of what I want to hear
Now that it's clear I hope you understand the way I'm feelin

Say love me & I'm down 4 whateva'
cause I want you
I promise we can do whateva' -- You want to
what i say to
If you do
Say love me & I'm down 4 whateva'
cause I want you
I promise we can do whateva' -- You want to
what i say to
If you do

I'd would change the world and make it feel love for you
If I had to
commit to me before before I give it to you
If I made you
All of the things that make a man feel so o0o
If I gave you
I'd be the one to make all of your dreams true
If I told you

Relevant Tags:
DDown 44 WWhatever own hatever oDwn 4 hWatever xown 5 ahatever xDown 54 aWhatever Dxown 45 Wahatever eown e 3hatever
eDown e4 3Whatever Deown 4e W3hatever fown r dhatever fDown r4 dWhatever Dfown 4r Wdhatever rown 3 ehatever rDown 34 eWhatever
Drown 43 Wehatever cown shatever cDown sWhatever Dcown Wshatever sown 2hatever sDown 2Whatever Dsown W2hatever
Doown qhatever Dwn qWhatever Dwon Wqhatever Dkwn Whhatever Dkown Watever Dokwn Wahtever D9wn Wjatever
D9own Wjhatever Do9wn Whjatever D0wn Wuatever D0own Wuhatever Do0wn Whuatever Dlwn Wnatever Dlown Wnhatever
Dolwn Whnatever Diwn Wbatever Diown Wbhatever Doiwn Whbatever Dowwn Wgatever Don Wghatever Donw Whgatever
Doan Wyatever Doawn Wyhatever Dowan Whyatever Do3n Whaatever Do3wn Whtever Dow3n Whtaever Dodn Whztever
Dodwn Whzatever Dowdn Whaztever Doen Whqtever Doewn Whqatever Dowen Whaqtever Dosn Whstever Doswn Whsatever
Dowsn Whastever Do2n Whwtever Do2wn Whwatever Dow2n Whawtever Doqn Whxtever Doqwn Whxatever Dowqn Whaxtever
Downn Whattever Dow Whaever Down Whaetver Dowm Whafever Dowmn Whaftever Downm Whatfever Dowh Wha5ever
Dowhn Wha5tever Downh What5ever Dowj Whahever Dowjn Whahtever Downj Whathever Dowb Whayever Dowbn Whaytever
Downb Whatyever Wha6ever Wha6tever What6ever Whagever Whagtever

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