Wrath Of The Donkey Remix

now you see, lost. now you know, lost.
when the hell did one goddamn thing go right in my life but you.
you said you weren't sure, you said you were scared
well guess what I was scared too.
we're glued to the hips, we're tied neck to neck,
our hands bond staples through the knuckles please.
it's a lifetime to wait.
now that we have each other now, security.
it's a lifetime to wait.

Mirror lyrics:

it's a lifetime to wait.
now that we have each other now, security.
it's a lifetime to wait.
our hands bond staples through the knuckles please.
we're glued to the hips, we're tied neck to neck,
well guess what I was scared too.
you said you weren't sure, you said you were scared
when the hell did one goddamn thing go right in my life but you.
now you see, lost. now you know, lost.

Relevant Tags:
WWrath OOf TThe DDonkey RRemix rath f he onkey emix rWath fO hTe oDnkey eRmix arath kf fhe xonkey demix aWrath kOf fThe xDonkey dRemix
Warath Okf Tfhe Dxonkey Rdemix 3rath 9f 5he eonkey 4emix 3Wrath 9Of 5The eDonkey 4Remix W3rath O9f T5he Deonkey R4emix drath 0f hhe fonkey gemix
dWrath 0Of hThe fDonkey gRemix Wdrath O0f Thhe Dfonkey Rgemix erath lf yhe ronkey temix eWrath lOf yThe rDonkey tRemix Werath Olf Tyhe Dronkey Rtemix
srath if 6he conkey 5emix sWrath iOf 6The cDonkey 5Remix Wsrath Oif T6he Dconkey R5emix 2rath Off ghe sonkey femix 2Wrath O gThe sDonkey fRemix
W2rath Of Tghe Dsonkey Rfemix qrath Oc rhe Doonkey eemix qWrath Ocf rThe Dnkey eRemix Wqrath Ofc Trhe Dnokey Reemix Wrrath Or Dknkey
Wath Orf Te Dkonkey Rmix Warth Ofr Teh Doknkey Rmeix Wdath Og Tje D9nkey Rsmix Ogf Tjhe D9onkey Rsemix Wrdath Ofg Thje Do9nkey Resmix
W4ath Ot Tue D0nkey R3mix W4rath Otf Tuhe D0onkey R3emix Wr4ath Oft Thue Do0nkey Re3mix Wgath Ov Tne Dlnkey Rfmix Wgrath Ovf Tnhe Dlonkey
Wrgath Ofv Thne Dolnkey Refmix Wtath Od Tbe Dinkey Rrmix Wtrath Odf Tbhe Dionkey Rremix Wrtath Ofd Thbe Doinkey Rermix W5ath Tge Donnkey R4mix
W5rath Dokey Wr5ath Thge Dokney Re4mix Wfath Tye Domkey Rdmix Wfrath Domnkey Wrfath Thye Donmkey Redmix
Weath Thee Dohkey Rwmix Th Dohnkey Rwemix Wreath The Donhkey Rewmix Wraath Ths Dojkey Remmix Wrth Thse Dojnkey Reix
Wrtah Thes Donjkey Reimx Wrzth Th3 Dobkey Rejix Wrzath Th3e Dobnkey Rejmix Wrazth The3 Donbkey Remjix Wrqth Thf Donkkey Rekix
Wrqath Thfe Doney Rekmix Wraqth Thef Doneky Remkix Wrsth Thr Donley Renix Wrsath Thre Donlkey Renmix

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