Moments In Grace
The Blurring Lines Of Loss

Time passes right by
The blurring lines of loss
Scared to find the trust
The trust that binds us to one

This is a life built on broken promises
We live our lives with the pain of regret

I can't seem to understand
Why these days fade
I turn away
Scared and defenseless
Finally I can keep myself awake
In this tragic hell
This hell

This is a life built on broken promises
We live our lives with the pain of regret

This is a life built on broken promises
We live our lives with the pain of regret

We've been waiting for another day
We've been searching for a simple way
We've been trying to figure out how to save ourselves
We've been waiting for another day
We've been searching for a simple way
We've been trying to figure out how to save ourselves
From ourselves

This is a life built on broken promises
We live our lives with the pain of regret

This is a life built on broken promises
We live our lives with the pain of regret

Mirror lyrics:

We live our lives with the pain of regret
This is a life built on broken promises

We live our lives with the pain of regret
This is a life built on broken promises

From ourselves
We've been trying to figure out how to save ourselves
We've been searching for a simple way
We've been waiting for another day
We've been trying to figure out how to save ourselves
We've been searching for a simple way
We've been waiting for another day

We live our lives with the pain of regret
This is a life built on broken promises

We live our lives with the pain of regret
This is a life built on broken promises

This hell
In this tragic hell
Finally I can keep myself awake
Scared and defenseless
I turn away
Why these days fade
I can't seem to understand

We live our lives with the pain of regret
This is a life built on broken promises

The trust that binds us to one
Scared to find the trust
The blurring lines of loss
Time passes right by

Relevant Tags:
TThe BBlurring LLines OOf LLoss he lurring ines f oss hTe lBurring iLnes fO oLss fhe vlurring kines kf koss fThe vBlurring kLines kOf kLoss
Tfhe Bvlurring Lkines Okf Lkoss 5he glurring oines 9f ooss 5The gBlurring oLines 9Of oLoss T5he Bglurring Loines O9f Looss hhe nlurring pines 0f poss
hThe nBlurring pLines 0Of pLoss Thhe Bnlurring Lpines O0f Lposs yhe hlurring Liines lf yThe hBlurring Lnes lOf Lss Tyhe Bhlurring Lnies Olf Lsos
6he Bllurring Ljnes if Lkss 6The Burring Ljines iOf T6he Bulrring Lijnes Oif Lokss ghe Bkurring L9nes Off L9ss gThe Bklurring L9ines O L9oss
Tghe Blkurring Li9nes Of Lo9ss rhe Bourring Llnes Oc L0ss rThe Bolurring Llines Ocf L0oss Trhe Blourring Lilnes Ofc Lo0ss Bpurring Lones Or Llss
Te Bplurring Orf Lloss Teh Blpurring Liones Ofr Lolss Tje Bluurring Lknes Og Liss Tjhe Blrring Ogf Lioss Thje Blruring Liknes Ofg Loiss
Tue Blhrring L8nes Ot Losss Tuhe Blhurring L8ines Otf Los Thue Bluhrring Li8nes Oft Loss Tne Bl7rring Lunes Ov Lozs Tnhe Bl7urring Luines Ovf Lozss
Thne Blu7rring Liunes Ofv Loszs Tbe Blkrring Linnes Od Lows Tbhe Lies Odf Lowss Thbe Blukrring Liens Ofd Losws Tge Blirring Limes Lods
Bliurring Limnes Lodss Thge Bluirring Linmes Losds Tye Bl8rring Lihes Loes Bl8urring Lihnes Loess Thye Blu8rring Linhes Loses
Thee Bljrring Lijes Loxs Th Bljurring Loxss The Blujrring Linjes Losxs Ths Blyrring Libes Loas Thse Blyurring Libnes Loass
Thes Bluyrring Linbes Losas Th3 Blurrring Linees Th3e Bluring Lins The3 Blurring Linse Thf Bludring Linss Losz
Thfe Bludrring Linses Thef Blurdring Liness Lossz Thr Blu4ring Lin3s Losw Thre Blu4rring Lin3es Ther Blur4ring Line3s Lossw
Th4 Blugring Linfs Losd Th4e Blugrring Linfes The4 Blurgring Linefs Lossd Thd Blutring Linrs Lose Thde Blutrring Linres
Thed Blurtring Liners Losse Thw Blu5ring Lin4s Losx Thwe Blu5rring Lin4es Thew Blur5ring Line4s Lossx Blufring Linds Losa
Blufrring Lindes Blurfring Lineds Lossa Bluering Linws

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