Moon Dakota
Sing You To Sleep

Close the door , close your eyes,
leave the day behind,
until the morning comes you're mine
safe from the world outside,
let me into you ,
I'll take you where you need me too,
touch places left unsung,
and baby when we're done,

I will sing you to sleep,
your soul and your secrets I'll keep
and while the night gently creeps,
with you lying next to me
oh I'll sing you to sleep,
I'll sing you to sleep,

a simple melody,(a simple melody)
caressing your soul tenderly,
I want to give to you,
what you give to me
forever ,for eternity
as I lay with you,
the dreams I dreamed are coming true,
I can never do enough ,
I've only just begun,

( Repeat Chorus)

lalalala lalalala
I'll sing you to sleep
lalalala lalalala
I'll sing you to sleep.

let me into you
I'll take you where you need me too
touch places left unsung
and when the rest is done

I will...
( Repeat Chorus)

Mirror lyrics:

( Repeat Chorus)
I will...

and when the rest is done
touch places left unsung
I'll take you where you need me too
let me into you

I'll sing you to sleep.
lalalala lalalala
I'll sing you to sleep
lalalala lalalala

( Repeat Chorus)

I've only just begun,
I can never do enough ,
the dreams I dreamed are coming true,
as I lay with you,
forever ,for eternity
what you give to me
I want to give to you,
caressing your soul tenderly,
a simple melody,(a simple melody)

I'll sing you to sleep,
oh I'll sing you to sleep,
with you lying next to me
and while the night gently creeps,
your soul and your secrets I'll keep
I will sing you to sleep,

and baby when we're done,
touch places left unsung,
I'll take you where you need me too,
let me into you ,
safe from the world outside,
until the morning comes you're mine
leave the day behind,
Close the door , close your eyes,

Relevant Tags:
SSing YYou TTo SSleep ing ou o leep iSng oYu oT lSeep zing gou fo zleep zSing gYou fTo zSleep Szing Ygou Tfo Szleep
wing hou 5o wleep wSing hYou 5To wSleep Swing Yhou T5o Swleep ding 6ou ho dleep dSing 6You hTo dSleep Sding Y6ou Tho Sdleep
eing uou yo eleep eSing uYou yTo eSleep Seing Yuou Tyo Seleep xing 7ou 6o xleep xSing 7You 6To xSleep Sxing Y7ou T6o Sxleep
aing jou go aleep aSing jYou gTo aSleep Saing Yjou Tgo Saleep Siing tou ro Slleep Sng tYou rTo Seep Snig Ytou Tro Selep
Sjng Yoou Too Skeep Sjing Yu T Skleep Sijng Yuo To Slkeep S9ng Yku Tk Soeep S9ing Ykou Tko Soleep Si9ng Yoku Tok Sloeep
Slng Y9u T9 Speep Sling Y9ou T9o Spleep Silng Yo9u To9 Slpeep Song Y0u T0 Sleeep Soing Y0ou T0o Slep Siong Yo0u To0 Sleep
Skng Ylu Tl Slsep Sking Ylou Tlo Slseep Sikng Yolu Tol Slesep S8ng Yiu Ti Sl3ep S8ing Yiou Tio Sl3eep Si8ng Yoiu Toi Sle3ep

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