Michelle Shocked
Jump Jim Crow

Jump Jim Crow

How do you, do you walk so slow
Like a little red rooster with one trick leg
Look like you the one laying the egg
I don't know when but it'll be real soon
Going down the road by the light of the moon
Going to the city to see Zip Coon
Going to the city to see Zip Coon

Hip Zip Coon you sure look slick
How do you do that walking trick
You got a woman on your left
A woman on your right
You all dressed up for Saturday night
Strolling down the street, feeling fine
Tipping your hat, saying "Howdy, Shine"
If I knew your secret I would make it mine
If I knew your secret I would make it mine

Tarbaby, Tarbaby, tell me true
Who is really the jigaboo?
Is it the white man, the white talking that jive
Or the black man, the black trying to stay alive?
You can't touch a tarbaby, everybody knows
Smiling all the while wit de bone in de nose
That's the way the story goes
That's the way my story goes

Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip-A-Dee-Aye
My, oh my, what a wonderful day
Plenty of sunshine heading my way
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip-A-Dee-Aye

Mirror lyrics:

Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip-A-Dee-Aye
Plenty of sunshine heading my way
My, oh my, what a wonderful day
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip-A-Dee-Aye

That's the way my story goes
That's the way the story goes
Smiling all the while wit de bone in de nose
You can't touch a tarbaby, everybody knows
Or the black man, the black trying to stay alive?
Is it the white man, the white talking that jive
Who is really the jigaboo?
Tarbaby, Tarbaby, tell me true

If I knew your secret I would make it mine
If I knew your secret I would make it mine
Tipping your hat, saying "Howdy, Shine"
Strolling down the street, feeling fine
You all dressed up for Saturday night
A woman on your right
You got a woman on your left
How do you do that walking trick
Hip Zip Coon you sure look slick

Going to the city to see Zip Coon
Going to the city to see Zip Coon
Going down the road by the light of the moon
I don't know when but it'll be real soon
Look like you the one laying the egg
Like a little red rooster with one trick leg
How do you, do you walk so slow

Jump Jim Crow

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