Michelle Featherstone
Rest Of My Life

Here we are staring straight into tomorrow's eyes
What do you see
Can you see the same as me

We hold hands
We take walks and talk and laugh about things
I'll tell you what
This could be the way that every day was meant to be

I don't want to go
I don't want to stay one night or one day
So I'll stay the rest of my life

I don't want to leave
I don't want to be one night or one day
So I'll stay the rest of my life

How 'bout that
Waking up every morning with me
Spend our time drinking coffee
Speaking softly as the days go by

I don't want to go
I don't want to stay one night or one day
But I'll stay the rest of my life

I don't want to leave
I don't want to be one night or one day
So I'll stay the rest of my life

The rest of my life
The rest of my life

Let's just let it start
Let's just let it start
Let it start

I don't want to go
I don't want to stay one night or one day
But I'll stay the rest of my life

I don't want to leave
I don't want to be one night or one day
So I'll stay the rest of my life

I don't want to go
I don't want to stay one night or one day
So I'll stay the rest of my life

I don't want to leave
I don't want to be one night or one day
So I'll stay the rest of my life
The rest of my life

Mirror lyrics:

The rest of my life
So I'll stay the rest of my life
I don't want to be one night or one day
I don't want to leave

So I'll stay the rest of my life
I don't want to stay one night or one day
I don't want to go

So I'll stay the rest of my life
I don't want to be one night or one day
I don't want to leave

But I'll stay the rest of my life
I don't want to stay one night or one day
I don't want to go

Let it start
Let's just let it start
Let's just let it start

The rest of my life
The rest of my life

So I'll stay the rest of my life
I don't want to be one night or one day
I don't want to leave

But I'll stay the rest of my life
I don't want to stay one night or one day
I don't want to go

Speaking softly as the days go by
Spend our time drinking coffee
Waking up every morning with me
How 'bout that

So I'll stay the rest of my life
I don't want to be one night or one day
I don't want to leave

So I'll stay the rest of my life
I don't want to stay one night or one day
I don't want to go

This could be the way that every day was meant to be
I'll tell you what
We take walks and talk and laugh about things
We hold hands

Can you see the same as me
What do you see
Here we are staring straight into tomorrow's eyes

Relevant Tags:
RRest OOf MMy LLife est f y ife eRst fO yM iLfe dest kf jy kife dRest kOf jMy kLife Rdest Okf Mjy Lkife 4est 9f ky oife
4Rest 9Of kMy oLife R4est O9f Mky Loife gest 0f ny pife gRest 0Of nMy pLife Rgest O0f Mny Lpife test lf Myy Liife tRest lOf M Lfe
Rtest Olf My Lfie 5est if Mg Ljfe 5Rest iOf Mgy Ljife R5est Oif Myg Lijfe fest Off Mh L9fe fRest O Mhy L9ife Rfest Of Myh Li9fe
eest Oc M6 Llfe eRest Ocf M6y Llife Reest Ofc My6 Lilfe Or Mu Lofe Rst Orf Muy Rset Ofr Myu Liofe Rsst Og M7 Lkfe
Rsest Ogf M7y Resst Ofg My7 Likfe R3st Ot Mj L8fe R3est Otf L8ife Re3st Oft Myj Li8fe Rfst Ov Mt Lufe Ovf Mty Luife
Refst Ofv Myt Liufe Rrst Od Liffe Rrest Odf Lie Rerst Ofd Lief R4st Lice Licfe Re4st Lifce
Rdst Lire

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