The rush of your voice
And the heat of your lips
Feel the ice through your veins
Every moment you speak
Ecstasy rising, you sense the beat grow
Feel the pulse beneath your clothes
Turn out the lights and lay on the floor
Feel the earth shake, I know you want more
Feel the vibrations running through your skin
You're the flame of desire
Baby, you take me higher
Never let go of my trust
You're more than enough
Feel the earth tremble beneath us
The oceans between us
I'll never turn away
Baby, I'm addicted to your touch
Surpass my emotions
And free me inside
Your rapture: it captures
There's nowhere to hide
Your enigma melts and burns through my soul
Take me all, you're in control
Turn out the lights and lay on the floor
Feel the earth shake, I know you want more
Feel the vibrations running through your skin
You're the flame of desire
Baby, you take me higher
Never let go of my trust
You're more than enough
Feel the earth tremble beneath us
The oceans between us
I'll never turn away
Baby, I'm addicted to your touch
Boy, you got me hypnotized
Can't escape your eyes
Left me wanting so much more
I've lost my self control
You're the flame of desire
Baby, you take me higher
Never let go of my trust
You're more than enough
Feel the earth tremble beneath us
The oceans between us
I'll never turn away
Baby, I'm addicted to your touch
Baby, I'm addicted to your touch
I'll never turn away
The oceans between us
Feel the earth tremble beneath us
You're more than enough
Never let go of my trust
Baby, you take me higher
You're the flame of desire
I've lost my self control
Left me wanting so much more
Can't escape your eyes
Boy, you got me hypnotized
Baby, I'm addicted to your touch
I'll never turn away
The oceans between us
Feel the earth tremble beneath us
You're more than enough
Never let go of my trust
Baby, you take me higher
You're the flame of desire
Feel the vibrations running through your skin
Feel the earth shake, I know you want more
Turn out the lights and lay on the floor
Take me all, you're in control
Your enigma melts and burns through my soul
There's nowhere to hide
Your rapture: it captures
And free me inside
Surpass my emotions
Baby, I'm addicted to your touch
I'll never turn away
The oceans between us
Feel the earth tremble beneath us
You're more than enough
Never let go of my trust
Baby, you take me higher
You're the flame of desire
Feel the vibrations running through your skin
Feel the earth shake, I know you want more
Turn out the lights and lay on the floor
Feel the pulse beneath your clothes
Ecstasy rising, you sense the beat grow
Every moment you speak
Feel the ice through your veins
And the heat of your lips
The rush of your voice
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Adxdicted |
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