Michael W. Smith
Raging Sea

Sometimes the journey makes you weary
Feels like a long and winding road
Sometimes this life can lose it's meaning
But you might be surprised to find some hope
Maybe you're wondering where love is
You may feel it's far away from here
Maybe you're wondering where I am
You might be surprised to find I'm near

And when your life is tossed and turning
And your on the raging sea
I'll come and pull you from the water
Then you will know that you are free

So if you're stumbling through the valley
Or if you're tempted to give up the fight
Reach out your hand and I will lead you
I will be your strong arm in the night

Repeat chorus

Mirror lyrics:

Repeat chorus

I will be your strong arm in the night
Reach out your hand and I will lead you
Or if you're tempted to give up the fight
So if you're stumbling through the valley

Then you will know that you are free
I'll come and pull you from the water
And your on the raging sea
And when your life is tossed and turning

You might be surprised to find I'm near
Maybe you're wondering where I am
You may feel it's far away from here
Maybe you're wondering where love is
But you might be surprised to find some hope
Sometimes this life can lose it's meaning
Feels like a long and winding road
Sometimes the journey makes you weary

Relevant Tags:
RRaging SSea aging ea aRging eSa daging zea dRaging zSea Rdaging Szea 4aging wea 4Raging wSea R4aging Swea gaging dea gRaging dSea
Rgaging Sdea taging eea tRaging eSea Rtaging Seea 5aging xea 5Raging xSea R5aging Sxea faging aea fRaging aSea Rfaging Saea eaging
eRaging Sa Reaging Sae Raaging Ssa Rging Ssea Rgaing Sesa Rzging S3a Rzaging S3ea Razging Se3a Rqging Sfa Rqaging Sfea Raqging Sefa
Rsging Sra Rsaging Srea Rasging Sera Rwging S4a Rwaging S4ea Rawging Se4a Rxging Sda Rxaging Raxging Seda Ragging Swa Raing
Raigng Sewa Rahing Seaa Rahging Se Raghing Sea Raying Sez Rayging Seza Ragying Seaz Rabing Seq Rabging Seqa Ragbing Seaq Raving Ses
Ravging Ragving Seas Rafing Sew Rafging Ragfing Seaw

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