Michael Tomlinson
Safe At Home

I saw it in the mirror again
Buried in my eyes
You hold back for so damn long
And something nearly dies
We're living on a narrow lane
There's hardly room to turn
Every time I still that pain
I feel my body yearn
Safe at home while the world's in a spin
There a storm outside shall I let it in?
I keep my love in a warm little house
But I want to let some out
Safe at home while the world's in a spin
There's a crowd outside shall we let any in?
We keep our love in a warm little house
But I want to let some
I want to let some out
Bits and pieces come to me
Things that I don't want to know
Sometimes when living hurts like this
I think that I don't want to grow
But every time I feel that way
There's something coming through
It's like I'm staring face to face at nothing but the truth
Safe at home while the world's in a spin
There a storm outside shall I let it in?
I keep my love in a warm little house
But I want to let some out
Safe at home while the world's in a spin
There's a crowd outside shall we let any in?
We keep our love in a warm little house
But I want to let some
I want to let some out
There are spirits shown to me
Guiding lights that burn
Lead me from my own dark cave
And touch me as I learn
You are all around me now
I feel you as I breathe
I know you as the lightness on a cool Seattle breeze

Mirror lyrics:

I know you as the lightness on a cool Seattle breeze
I feel you as I breathe
You are all around me now
And touch me as I learn
Lead me from my own dark cave
Guiding lights that burn
There are spirits shown to me
I want to let some out
But I want to let some
We keep our love in a warm little house
There's a crowd outside shall we let any in?
Safe at home while the world's in a spin
But I want to let some out
I keep my love in a warm little house
There a storm outside shall I let it in?
Safe at home while the world's in a spin
It's like I'm staring face to face at nothing but the truth
There's something coming through
But every time I feel that way
I think that I don't want to grow
Sometimes when living hurts like this
Things that I don't want to know
Bits and pieces come to me
I want to let some out
But I want to let some
We keep our love in a warm little house
There's a crowd outside shall we let any in?
Safe at home while the world's in a spin
But I want to let some out
I keep my love in a warm little house
There a storm outside shall I let it in?
Safe at home while the world's in a spin
I feel my body yearn
Every time I still that pain
There's hardly room to turn
We're living on a narrow lane
And something nearly dies
You hold back for so damn long
Buried in my eyes
I saw it in the mirror again

Relevant Tags:
SSafe AAt HHome afe t ome aSfe tA oHme zafe zt jome zSafe zAt jHome Szafe Azt Hjome wafe qt uome wSafe qAt uHome Swafe Aqt Huome
dafe st nome dSafe sAt nHome Sdafe Ast Hnome eafe wt bome eSafe wAt bHome Seafe Awt Hbome xafe xt gome xSafe xAt gHome Sxafe Axt Hgome
aafe Att yome aSafe A yHome Saafe At Hyome Af Hoome Sfe Aft Hme Sfae Atf Hmoe Szfe A5 Hkme A5t Hkome Sazfe At5 Hokme
Sqfe Ah H9me Sqafe Aht H9ome Saqfe Ath Ho9me Ssfe Ay H0me Ssafe Ayt H0ome Sasfe Aty Ho0me Swfe A6 Hlme A6t Hlome Sawfe At6 Holme
Sxfe Ag Hime Agt Hiome Saxfe Atg Hoime

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