Michael Tomlinson
Run Like The River Runs

Tell me what you will my blue winged friend
Did you hear me from where you drifted on the wind?
This autumn wind on a summer day
Sure can turn a blue sky grey
Oh it's a lonely day and cold
There are secrets you've not told
And there are parts of me that I have never known
And I wonder if you see through the walls inside of me
Feathered friend I wish that you could say
Why you sit on that wooden post and watch me play
The sky is yours and the ground is mine
Do you want to trade some time?
And let me soar above these trees
See the earth through golden leaves
Breathe the air and watch the rivers from above
There are many things to love
But it's these that call it to me
If I run like the river runs
If I fall like water falls
Oh if I breathe like the wind
Will I ever learn it all?
If I change like autumn leaves
If I grow like summer weeds
If I'm quiet as snow
Will I ever know it all, learn it all?
I don't really know from day to day
If I'm willing to walk this road or turn away
But something here in the silver sky
Is exactly what I need
To begin the song again
Help me sing my winged friend
With the melody you rise and float away
Then I'll leave the way I came
But I'll never be the same
repeat chorus

Mirror lyrics:

repeat chorus
But I'll never be the same
Then I'll leave the way I came
With the melody you rise and float away
Help me sing my winged friend
To begin the song again
Is exactly what I need
But something here in the silver sky
If I'm willing to walk this road or turn away
I don't really know from day to day
Will I ever know it all, learn it all?
If I'm quiet as snow
If I grow like summer weeds
If I change like autumn leaves
Will I ever learn it all?
Oh if I breathe like the wind
If I fall like water falls
If I run like the river runs
But it's these that call it to me
There are many things to love
Breathe the air and watch the rivers from above
See the earth through golden leaves
And let me soar above these trees
Do you want to trade some time?
The sky is yours and the ground is mine
Why you sit on that wooden post and watch me play
Feathered friend I wish that you could say
And I wonder if you see through the walls inside of me
And there are parts of me that I have never known
There are secrets you've not told
Oh it's a lonely day and cold
Sure can turn a blue sky grey
This autumn wind on a summer day
Did you hear me from where you drifted on the wind?
Tell me what you will my blue winged friend

Relevant Tags:
RRun LLike TThe RRiver RRuns un ike he iver uns uRn iLke hTe iRver uRns dun kike fhe diver duns dRun kLike fThe dRiver dRuns Rdun Lkike Tfhe Rdiver Rduns
4un oike 5he 4iver 4uns 4Run oLike 5The 4River 4Runs R4un Loike T5he R4iver R4uns gun pike hhe giver guns gRun pLike hThe gRiver gRuns Rgun Lpike Thhe Rgiver Rguns
tun Liike yhe tiver tuns tRun Lke yThe tRiver tRuns Rtun Lkie Tyhe Rtiver Rtuns 5un Ljke 6he 5iver 5uns 5Run Ljike 6The 5River 5Runs R5un Lijke T6he R5iver R5uns
fun L9ke ghe fiver funs fRun L9ike gThe fRiver fRuns Rfun Li9ke Tghe Rfiver Rfuns eun Llke rhe eiver euns eRun Llike rThe eRiver eRuns Reun Lilke Trhe Reiver Reuns
Ruun Loke Riiver Ruuns Rn Te Rver Rns Rnu Lioke Teh Rvier Rnus Rhn Lkke Tje Rjver Rhns Rhun Tjhe Rjiver Rhuns Ruhn Likke Thje Rijver Ruhns
R7n L8ke Tue R9ver R7ns R7un L8ike Tuhe R9iver R7uns Ru7n Li8ke Thue Ri9ver Ru7ns Rkn Luke Tne Rlver Rkns Rkun Luike Tnhe Rliver Rkuns Rukn Liuke Thne Rilver Rukns
Rin Tbe Rover Rins Riun Lie Tbhe Roiver Riuns Ruin Liek Thbe Riover Ruins R8n Lile Tge Rkver R8ns R8un Rkiver R8uns Ru8n Likle Thge Rikver Ru8ns
Rjn Lioe Tye R8ver Rjns Rjun R8iver Rjuns Rujn Likoe Thye Ri8ver Rujns Ryn Lime Thee Ruver Ryns Ryun Limke Th Ruiver Ryuns Ruyn Likme The Riuver Ruyns
Runn Lije Ths Rivver Runns Ru Thse Rier Rus Run Likje Thes Rievr Rusn Rum Liie Th3 Riber Rums Rumn Th3e Ribver Rumns

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