Michael Stanley
One Good Reason

I can't conceive of trying
Trying it all again
For one time I'm not buying
All the lies that never end
I think we've gone about as far
as we're ever gonna go
And seeing you for what you are
was enough to let me know

Ain't nothing you can say now
gonna make me change my mind
Just give me one good reason
why I ought to love you
One good reason, why I shouldn't
put someone above you

Look who's going under
Trying to make it last
Don't want to steal your thunder
but the time for saving's past
(It's so far gone)
And all the talk that's going down
well, I never ever bought a line
No reason left to hang around
And I just don't have the time

Ain't nothing you can say now
gonna make me change my mind
All I need is one good reason
Tell me why--why I ought to love you
One good reason
Ya got to give me one

All I need is one good reason
Tell me why, why I ought to love you
One good reason
Baby, it's the end

Mirror lyrics:

Baby, it's the end
One good reason
Tell me why, why I ought to love you
All I need is one good reason

Ya got to give me one
One good reason
Tell me why--why I ought to love you
All I need is one good reason
gonna make me change my mind
Ain't nothing you can say now

And I just don't have the time
No reason left to hang around
well, I never ever bought a line
And all the talk that's going down
(It's so far gone)
but the time for saving's past
Don't want to steal your thunder
Trying to make it last
Look who's going under

put someone above you
One good reason, why I shouldn't
why I ought to love you
Just give me one good reason
gonna make me change my mind
Ain't nothing you can say now

was enough to let me know
And seeing you for what you are
as we're ever gonna go
I think we've gone about as far
All the lies that never end
For one time I'm not buying
Trying it all again
I can't conceive of trying

Relevant Tags:
OOne GGood RReason ne ood eason nOe oGod eRason kne hood deason kOne hGood dReason Okne Ghood Rdeason 9ne yood 4eason
9One yGood 4Reason O9ne Gyood R4eason 0ne bood geason 0One bGood gReason O0ne Gbood Rgeason lne vood teason lOne vGood tReason
Olne Gvood Rteason ine food 5eason iOne fGood 5Reason Oine Gfood R5eason Onne tood feason Oe tGood fReason Oen Gtood Rfeason
Ome Goood eeason Omne God eReason Onme Good Reeason Ohe Gkod Ohne Gkood Rason Onhe Gokod Raeson Oje G9od Rsason
Ojne G9ood Rseason Onje Go9od Resason Obe G0od R3ason Obne G0ood R3eason Onbe Go0od Re3ason Onee Glod Rfason On Glood
One Golod Refason Ons Giod Rrason Onse Giood Rreason Ones Goiod Rerason On3 R4ason On3e One3 Godo Re4ason
Onf Gokd Rdason Onfe Onef Gookd Redason Onr Go9d Rwason Onre Rweason Oner Goo9d Rewason On4 Go0d Reaason
On4e Reson One4 Goo0d Resaon Ond Gold Rezson Onde Rezason Oned Goold Reazson Onw Goid Reqson

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