Michael Shelly
She's Got Me

( Chorus )
She Gots Me Wonderin Thinking Bout Her
She Gots Class And Long Smooth Hair.
All That I see, She Just Wanna Be
Tryna Fight The Thoughts But
She Gots Me Wonderin Thinking Bout Her
She Gots Class And Long Smooth Hair.
All That I see, I Just Wanna Be
Tryna Fight The Thoughts But She Got's Me

( Bridge )
Baby Help Me Think This Out.
Tryna Figure Ways I'd Forget About
Me And You Or.
What It Was Supposed To Be
But.. But.. Youve Got Me

( Verse 1. )
Money Dont Mean A Thing If I Dont Got You By My side
If You Aint Down To Try If You Aint Down To Ride
I Guess You Shouldn't Be By My side
Cause At The End Of The Night
Im'a Make Everything Alright
Im's Change It Up Im'a Switch it up
Im'a Get You Right By Tonight
Look. I Would Give Anything And If You
Would Give A Second Chance
I'm Just Tryna Be Your Man Tryna Work Things Out
See What I'm Talking About.
Everything You Do For Me I'm Tryna Give Back To You
You Are My Dream Come True Baby Em Your Dream Come True Part 2.

( Chorus)

( Bridge )

( Verse 2 )
I'm Talking Nice Again, Nice To Him.
You Should Be In My Life Again
But I Dont Want To Go Back
Cause You Be Straight Up Liking Him
I'm Not Tryna Be Like Another Man Fighting Him
But You Should Be With Me. You Should Be With Me
He Got Long Hair Like Me, He Walk Just Like Me
He Talk Just Like Me, He Practically Is Me
But Hes Not Your Bug Like I Am And Thats What You Need.
Cause Baby You Got Me!.And I Dont Know Why Your Still In
My Mind. But I'm Tryna Let You Go

Mirror lyrics:

My Mind. But I'm Tryna Let You Go
Cause Baby You Got Me!.And I Dont Know Why Your Still In
But Hes Not Your Bug Like I Am And Thats What You Need.
He Talk Just Like Me, He Practically Is Me
He Got Long Hair Like Me, He Walk Just Like Me
But You Should Be With Me. You Should Be With Me
I'm Not Tryna Be Like Another Man Fighting Him
Cause You Be Straight Up Liking Him
But I Dont Want To Go Back
You Should Be In My Life Again
I'm Talking Nice Again, Nice To Him.
( Verse 2 )

( Bridge )

( Chorus)

You Are My Dream Come True Baby Em Your Dream Come True Part 2.
Everything You Do For Me I'm Tryna Give Back To You
See What I'm Talking About.
I'm Just Tryna Be Your Man Tryna Work Things Out
Would Give A Second Chance
Look. I Would Give Anything And If You
Im'a Get You Right By Tonight
Im's Change It Up Im'a Switch it up
Im'a Make Everything Alright
Cause At The End Of The Night
I Guess You Shouldn't Be By My side
If You Aint Down To Try If You Aint Down To Ride
Money Dont Mean A Thing If I Dont Got You By My side
( Verse 1. )

But.. But.. Youve Got Me
What It Was Supposed To Be
Me And You Or.
Tryna Figure Ways I'd Forget About
Baby Help Me Think This Out.
( Bridge )

Tryna Fight The Thoughts But She Got's Me
All That I see, I Just Wanna Be
She Gots Class And Long Smooth Hair.
She Gots Me Wonderin Thinking Bout Her
Tryna Fight The Thoughts But
All That I see, She Just Wanna Be
She Gots Class And Long Smooth Hair.
She Gots Me Wonderin Thinking Bout Her
( Chorus )

Relevant Tags:
SShe's GGot MMe he's ot e hSe's oGt eM zhe's hot je zShe's hGot jMe Szhe's Ghot Mje whe's yot ke wShe's yGot kMe Swhe's Gyot Mke
dhe's bot ne dShe's bGot nMe Sdhe's Gbot Mne ehe's vot Mee eShe's vGot M Sehe's Gvot Me xhe's fot Ms xShe's fGot Mse Sxhe's Gfot Mes
ahe's tot M3 aShe's tGot M3e Sahe's Gtot Me3 Shhe's Goot Mf Se's Gt Mfe Seh's Gto Mef Sje's Gkt Mr Sjhe's Gkot Mre Shje's Gokt Mer
Sue's G9t M4 Suhe's G9ot M4e Shue's Go9t Me4 Sne's G0t Md Snhe's G0ot Mde Shne's Go0t Med Sbe's Glt Mw Sbhe's Glot Mwe Shbe's Golt Mew
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