Michael Peterson
Before Another Day Goes By

(Michael Peterson/Josh Leo/Robert Ellis Overrall)

Tonight as I lay close to you
You whispered in my ear, just how much you love me
I wiped away your tears
After you were fast asleep
I looked out at the stars
And counted one for every single blessing that you are.

I want you to know
I need you to see
The wonder and the miracle that you are to me
My love is as endless as the stars in the sky
I wanted you to see it too
Before another day goes by.

As I closed the window
A star fell from the sky
I kissed you on the shoulder
You opened up your eyes
You'll hear what's in my heart
Before this moment fades away
I'll take you in my arms, pull you close to me, and say.

I want you to know
I need you to see
The wonder and the miracle that you are to me
Starting tonight, I made up my mind
You'll know how much I love you
Before another day goes by.

I want you to know
I need you to see
The wonder and the miracle that you are to me
Starting tonight, I made up my mind
You'll know how much I love you
Before another day goes by.

You'll know my love for you is true
Before another day goes by...

Mirror lyrics:

Before another day goes by...
You'll know my love for you is true

Before another day goes by.
You'll know how much I love you
Starting tonight, I made up my mind
The wonder and the miracle that you are to me
I need you to see
I want you to know

Before another day goes by.
You'll know how much I love you
Starting tonight, I made up my mind
The wonder and the miracle that you are to me
I need you to see
I want you to know

I'll take you in my arms, pull you close to me, and say.
Before this moment fades away
You'll hear what's in my heart
You opened up your eyes
I kissed you on the shoulder
A star fell from the sky
As I closed the window

Before another day goes by.
I wanted you to see it too
My love is as endless as the stars in the sky
The wonder and the miracle that you are to me
I need you to see
I want you to know

And counted one for every single blessing that you are.
I looked out at the stars
After you were fast asleep
I wiped away your tears
You whispered in my ear, just how much you love me
Tonight as I lay close to you

(Michael Peterson/Josh Leo/Robert Ellis Overrall)

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BBefore AAnother DDay GGoes BBy efore nother ay oes y eBfore nAother aDy oGes yB vefore znother xay hoes vy vBefore zAnother xDay hGoes vBy
Bvefore Aznother Dxay Ghoes Bvy gefore qnother eay yoes gy gBefore qAnother eDay yGoes gBy Bgefore Aqnother Deay Gyoes Bgy nefore snother fay boes ny
nBefore sAnother fDay bGoes nBy Bnefore Asnother Dfay Gboes Bny hefore wnother ray voes hy hBefore wAnother rDay vGoes hBy Bhefore Awnother Dray Gvoes Bhy
Beefore xnother cay foes Byy Bfore xAnother cDay fGoes B Bfeore Axnother Dcay Gfoes By Bsfore Annother say toes Bg Bsefore Aother sDay tGoes
Besfore Aonther Dsay Gtoes Byg B3fore Amother Daay Gooes Bh B3efore Amnother Dy Ges Be3fore Anmother Dya Geos Byh Bffore Ahother Dzy Gkes B6
Bfefore Ahnother Dzay Gkoes B6y Beffore Anhother Dazy Gokes By6 Brfore Ajother Dqy G9es Bu Brefore Ajnother Dqay G9oes Buy Berfore Anjother Daqy Go9es Byu
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