Michael Penn
Denton Road

I've heard people say they've come for miles

To pay their due respects

(for mileage, each expects).

"A pillar of community and style".

"At heart, a family man

Who'd had a change of plan".

Goodbye Sally, Simi Valley,

Denton Road, The Roosevelt Hotel

For my own farewell

And if you don't show, that's fine.

What's it say about me that I'm bored?

Don't need another speech

To know I'm out of reach.

Someone made a joke about the lord

And somehow it relates

To a dash between the dates.

Goodbye Sally, Simi Valley,

Denton Road, The Roosevelt Hotel

For my own farewell

And if you don't show, that's fine.

I don't expect you to.

You've got other things to do

In a life I now know that I never really knew.

The light are going out. They shut the lid.

I guess I lost the thread.

I'm in over my head.

Goodbye Sally, Simi Valley,

Denton Road, The Roosevelt Hotel

For my own farewell

And if you don't show, that's fine.

For my own farewell

And if you don't show, that's fine.

Mirror lyrics:

And if you don't show, that's fine.

For my own farewell

And if you don't show, that's fine.

For my own farewell

Denton Road, The Roosevelt Hotel

Goodbye Sally, Simi Valley,

I'm in over my head.

I guess I lost the thread.

The light are going out. They shut the lid.

In a life I now know that I never really knew.

You've got other things to do

I don't expect you to.

And if you don't show, that's fine.

For my own farewell

Denton Road, The Roosevelt Hotel

Goodbye Sally, Simi Valley,

To a dash between the dates.

And somehow it relates

Someone made a joke about the lord

To know I'm out of reach.

Don't need another speech

What's it say about me that I'm bored?

And if you don't show, that's fine.

For my own farewell

Denton Road, The Roosevelt Hotel

Goodbye Sally, Simi Valley,

Who'd had a change of plan".

"At heart, a family man

"A pillar of community and style".

(for mileage, each expects).

To pay their due respects

I've heard people say they've come for miles

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fDenton gRoad Dfenton Rgoad renton toad rDenton tRoad Drenton Rtoad centon 5oad cDenton 5Road Dcenton R5oad senton foad sDenton fRoad
Dsenton Rfoad eoad Dnton eRoad Dneton Reoad Dsnton Rooad Rad Desnton Raod D3nton Rkad D3enton Rkoad De3nton Rokad
Dfnton R9ad R9oad Defnton Ro9ad Drnton R0ad R0oad Dernton Ro0ad D4nton Rlad D4enton Rload De4nton Rolad Ddnton Riad
Ddenton Rioad Dednton Roiad Dwnton Roaad Dwenton Rod Dewnton Roda Dennton Rozd Deton Rozad Detnon Roazd Demton Roqd Demnton Roqad
Denmton Roaqd Dehton Rosd Dehnton Rosad Denhton Roasd Dejton Rowd Dejnton Rowad

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