Michael Mcdonald
Every Time Christmas Comes Around

Old man winter's coming on
The nights are long and the days are gray
The fading sound of the robin's song
Summer days seem a lifetime away

It's the time that we look to each other
To raise our spirits, chase the blues away
That time of year when we all get together
I see it comin' I can hardly wait

It's all right I can't stop thinkin' 'bout it
It's a good life, no time to be sad
I feel so right every time Christmas comes around
Feel so right baby

Children's laughter and the snow on the ground
Starts lifting my heart up baby
I feel love and the joy all around
That's how I know that it's Christmas darlin'

So glad that we've still got each other
And this love is a gift we'll exchange
A prayer for peace for my sisters and brothers
Let's ring the bell and bring on the holidays

It's all right I can't stop thinkin' 'bout it
It's a good life, no time to be sad
I feel so right every time Christmas comes around

Merry Christmas, baby

So glad that we've still got each other
And this love is a gift we'll exchange
A prayer for peace for my sisters and brothers
Let's ring the bell and bring on the holidays

It's all right I can't stop thinkin' 'bout it
It's a good life, no time to be sad
I feel so right I know I'm gonna see it

It's all right I can't stop thinkin' 'bout it
It's a good life, no time to be sad
I feel so right every time Christmas comes around

I can't stop thinkin' 'bout it
It's a good life, no time to be sad
I feel so right I know we're gonna see it

It's all right I can't stop thinkin' 'bout it
It's a good life, no time to be sad
I feel so right every time Christmas comes around

It's all right I can't stop thinkin' 'bout it
It's a good life, no time to be sad
I feel so right

Mirror lyrics:

I feel so right
It's a good life, no time to be sad
It's all right I can't stop thinkin' 'bout it

I feel so right every time Christmas comes around
It's a good life, no time to be sad
It's all right I can't stop thinkin' 'bout it

I feel so right I know we're gonna see it
It's a good life, no time to be sad
I can't stop thinkin' 'bout it

I feel so right every time Christmas comes around
It's a good life, no time to be sad
It's all right I can't stop thinkin' 'bout it

I feel so right I know I'm gonna see it
It's a good life, no time to be sad
It's all right I can't stop thinkin' 'bout it

Let's ring the bell and bring on the holidays
A prayer for peace for my sisters and brothers
And this love is a gift we'll exchange
So glad that we've still got each other

Merry Christmas, baby

I feel so right every time Christmas comes around
It's a good life, no time to be sad
It's all right I can't stop thinkin' 'bout it

Let's ring the bell and bring on the holidays
A prayer for peace for my sisters and brothers
And this love is a gift we'll exchange
So glad that we've still got each other

That's how I know that it's Christmas darlin'
I feel love and the joy all around
Starts lifting my heart up baby
Children's laughter and the snow on the ground

Feel so right baby
I feel so right every time Christmas comes around
It's a good life, no time to be sad
It's all right I can't stop thinkin' 'bout it

I see it comin' I can hardly wait
That time of year when we all get together
To raise our spirits, chase the blues away
It's the time that we look to each other

Summer days seem a lifetime away
The fading sound of the robin's song
The nights are long and the days are gray
Old man winter's coming on

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EEvery TTime CChristmas CComes AAround very ime hristmas omes round vEery iTme hCristmas oCmes rAound svery fime fhristmas fomes zround sEvery fTime fChristmas fComes zAround
Esvery Tfime Cfhristmas Cfomes Azround 3very 5ime xhristmas xomes qround 3Every 5Time xChristmas xComes qAround E3very T5ime Cxhristmas Cxomes Aqround fvery hime vhristmas vomes sround
fEvery hTime vChristmas vComes sAround Efvery Thime Cvhristmas Cvomes Asround rvery yime dhristmas domes wround rEvery yTime dChristmas dComes wAround Ervery Tyime Cdhristmas Cdomes Awround
4very 6ime Chhristmas Coomes xround 4Every 6Time Cristmas Cmes xAround E4very T6ime Crhistmas Cmoes Axround dvery gime Cjristmas Ckmes Arround dEvery gTime Cjhristmas Ckomes Aound
Edvery Tgime Chjristmas Cokmes Aorund wvery rime Curistmas C9mes Adound wEvery rTime Cuhristmas C9omes Adround Ewvery Trime Churistmas Co9mes Ardound Evvery Tiime Cnristmas C0mes A4ound
Eery Tme Cnhristmas C0omes A4round Eevry Tmie Chnristmas Co0mes Ar4ound Ebery Tjme Cbristmas Clmes Agound Ebvery Tjime Cbhristmas Clomes Aground Evbery Tijme Chbristmas Colmes Argound
Ecery T9me Cgristmas Cimes Atound Ecvery T9ime Cghristmas Ciomes Atround Evcery Ti9me Chgristmas Coimes Artound Egery Tlme Cyristmas Commes A5ound Egvery Tlime Cyhristmas Coes A5round
Evgery Tilme Chyristmas Coems Ar5ound Efery Tome Chrristmas Cojes Afound Toime Chistmas Cojmes Afround Evfery Tiome Chirstmas Comjes Arfound Eveery Tkme Chdistmas Cokes Aeound
Evry Tkime Chdristmas Aeround Evrey Tikme Chrdistmas Comkes Areound Evsry T8me Ch4istmas Cones Aroound Evsery T8ime Ch4ristmas Conmes Arund Evesry Ti8me Chr4istmas Comnes Aruond
Ev3ry Tume Chgistmas Comees Arkund Ev3ery Tuime Coms Arkound Eve3ry Tiume Chrgistmas Comse Arokund Evfry Timme Chtistmas Comss Ar9und Tie Chtristmas Comses Ar9ound
Evefry Tiem Chrtistmas Comess Aro9und Evrry Tije Ch5istmas Com3s Ar0und Evrery Ch5ristmas Com3es Ar0ound Everry Timje Chr5istmas Come3s Aro0und Ev4ry Tike Chfistmas Comfs Arlund
Ev4ery Chfristmas Comfes Arlound Eve4ry Timke Chrfistmas Comefs Arolund Evdry Tine Cheistmas Comrs Ariund Evdery Tinme Cheristmas Comres Ariound Evedry Timne Chreistmas Comers Aroiund
Evwry Timee Chriistmas Com4s Arouund Evwery Tim Chrstmas Com4es Arond Evewry Time Chrsitmas Come4s Aronud Tims Chrjstmas Comds Arohnd Evey Timse Chrjistmas Comdes Arohund
Eveyr Times Chrijstmas Comeds Arouhnd Evedy Tim3 Chr9stmas Comws Aro7nd Tim3e Chr9istmas Comwes Aro7und Everdy Time3 Chri9stmas Comews Arou7nd Eve4y Timf Chrlstmas Aroknd
Timfe Chrlistmas Come Ever4y Timef Chrilstmas Comes Arouknd Evegy Timr Chrostmas Comez Aroind Evegry Timre Chroistmas Comezs Evergy Timer Chriostmas Comesz Arouind
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Ever5y Timed Chri8stmas Comesd Aroujnd Evefy Timw Chrustmas Comee Aroynd Timwe Chruistmas Aroyund Everfy Timew Chriustmas Comese Arouynd Eveey Chrisstmas Comex Arounnd
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