Michael Mcdonald
Ain't That Peculiar

You do me wrong and still I'm crazy 'bout you
Stay away too long and I can't do without you
Every chance you get you seem to hurt me more and more
But each hurt just makes my love stronger than before
I know flowers grow through rain, but how can love grow through pain

Ain't that peculiar
A peculiarity
Ain't that peculiar, baby
Peculiar as can be

You tell me lies that should be obvious to me
But I'm in so much love with you, baby that I don't want to see
That the things you do and say are designed to make me blue
It's a doggone shame, my love for you makes all your lies seem true
If the truth makes love last longer why do lies make love stronger

Ain't that peculiar
A peculiarity
Ain't that peculiar, baby
Peculiar as can be

Mirror lyrics:

Peculiar as can be
Ain't that peculiar, baby
A peculiarity
Ain't that peculiar

If the truth makes love last longer why do lies make love stronger
It's a doggone shame, my love for you makes all your lies seem true
That the things you do and say are designed to make me blue
But I'm in so much love with you, baby that I don't want to see
You tell me lies that should be obvious to me

Peculiar as can be
Ain't that peculiar, baby
A peculiarity
Ain't that peculiar

I know flowers grow through rain, but how can love grow through pain
But each hurt just makes my love stronger than before
Every chance you get you seem to hurt me more and more
Stay away too long and I can't do without you
You do me wrong and still I'm crazy 'bout you

Relevant Tags:
AAin't TThat PPeculiar in't hat eculiar iAn't hTat ePculiar zin't fhat 0eculiar zAin't fThat 0Peculiar Azin't Tfhat P0eculiar
qin't 5hat leculiar qAin't 5That lPeculiar Aqin't T5hat Pleculiar sin't hhat oeculiar sAin't hThat oPeculiar Asin't Thhat Poeculiar
win't yhat Peeculiar wAin't yThat Pculiar Awin't Tyhat Pceuliar xin't 6hat Psculiar xAin't 6That Pseculiar Axin't T6hat Pesculiar
Aiin't ghat P3culiar An't gThat P3eculiar Ani't Tghat Pe3culiar Ajn't rhat Pfculiar Ajin't rThat Pfeculiar Aijn't Trhat Pefculiar
A9n't Prculiar A9in't Tat Preculiar Ai9n't Taht Perculiar Aln't Tjat P4culiar Alin't Tjhat P4eculiar Ailn't Thjat Pe4culiar
Aon't Tuat Pdculiar Aoin't Tuhat Pdeculiar Aion't Thuat Pedculiar Akn't Tnat Pwculiar Akin't Tnhat Pweculiar Aikn't Thnat Pewculiar
A8n't Tbat Pecculiar A8in't Tbhat Peuliar Ai8n't Thbat Peucliar Aun't Tgat Pefuliar Auin't Aiun't Thgat Pecfuliar
Ainn't Tyat Pexuliar Ai't Pexculiar Ai'nt Thyat Pecxuliar Aim't Thaat Pevuliar Aimn't Tht Pevculiar Ainm't Thta Pecvuliar
Aih't Thzt Peduliar Aihn't Thzat Ainh't Thazt Pecduliar Aij't Thqt Pecuuliar Thqat Pecliar Ainj't Thaqt Pecluiar
Aib't Thst Pechliar Aibn't Thsat Pechuliar Ainb't Thast Pecuhliar Ain''t Thwt Pec7liar Aint Thwat Pec7uliar Aint' Thawt Pecu7liar
Ain'tt Thxt Peckliar Ain' Thxat Peckuliar Ain't Thaxt Pecukliar Ain'f Thatt Peciliar Ain'ft Tha Peciuliar Ain'tf That Pecuiliar
Ain'5 Thaf Pec8liar Ain'5t Thaft Pec8uliar Ain't5 Thatf Pecu8liar Ain'h Tha5 Pecjliar Ain'ht Tha5t Pecjuliar Ain'th That5 Pecujliar
Ain'y Thah Pecyliar Ain'yt Thaht Pecyuliar

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