Michael Kiske
When You're Down On You're Knees That...


I don't believe what you're saying

I don't believe a word

You never did anything that was true

And hate will be your final work

I wouldn't dance at your party

No, I wouldn't risk a dance

And for the rest of my time

I will keep it mind

I will look at your life and will find:

When you're down on your knees

That's when you're closest to heaven

I don't believe when you're smiling

I don't believe in your mask

You hardly say anything you don't use

All your life is a lie at it's best

Your love means never another

Is there anything left that is true?

You will end all alone

With no peace of your own

'Cause the god of love you've never known!

When you're down on your knees

That's when you're closest to heaven

I guess you'll never get it

You'll never regret all the broken hearts

You've left behind

If there's one thing that you'll never find -

It's a peace of mind

There's always one a lonely street

Walking his way to the sun

There's always one

That takes the whole world's greed

All on his back and it's done

And ever since the world's turning

There's always a fool that is leading the blind

If there's one thing that you'll never find -

It's a peae of mind

Your thoughts are so low it's a shame

That's why for you everyone else is low

People see life through the glass in their hearts

So the fruits of your doings do show

In this world it all could mean maybe

But on the other side you'll hear it loud

I know time clears the clouds

One day you won't walk so proud

It will all be revealed there's no doubt

'Cause when you're down on your knees

That's when you're closest to heaven

When you're down on your knees

That's when you're closest to heaven

Mirror lyrics:

That's when you're closest to heaven

When you're down on your knees

That's when you're closest to heaven

'Cause when you're down on your knees

It will all be revealed there's no doubt

One day you won't walk so proud

I know time clears the clouds

But on the other side you'll hear it loud

In this world it all could mean maybe

So the fruits of your doings do show

People see life through the glass in their hearts

That's why for you everyone else is low

Your thoughts are so low it's a shame

It's a peae of mind

If there's one thing that you'll never find -

There's always a fool that is leading the blind

And ever since the world's turning

All on his back and it's done

That takes the whole world's greed

There's always one

Walking his way to the sun

There's always one a lonely street

It's a peace of mind

If there's one thing that you'll never find -

You've left behind

You'll never regret all the broken hearts

I guess you'll never get it

That's when you're closest to heaven

When you're down on your knees

'Cause the god of love you've never known!

With no peace of your own

You will end all alone

Is there anything left that is true?

Your love means never another

All your life is a lie at it's best

You hardly say anything you don't use

I don't believe in your mask

I don't believe when you're smiling

That's when you're closest to heaven

When you're down on your knees

I will look at your life and will find:

I will keep it mind

And for the rest of my time

No, I wouldn't risk a dance

I wouldn't dance at your party

And hate will be your final work

You never did anything that was true

I don't believe a word

I don't believe what you're saying


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WWhen YYou're DDown OOn YYou're KKnees TThat... hen ou're own n ou're nees hat... hWen oYu're oDwn nO oYu're nKees hTat...
ahen gou're xown kn gou're lnees fhat... aWhen gYou're xDown kOn gYou're lKnees fThat... Wahen Ygou're Dxown Okn Ygou're Klnees Tfhat...
3hen hou're eown 9n hou're onees 5hat... 3When hYou're eDown 9On hYou're oKnees 5That... W3hen Yhou're Deown O9n Yhou're Konees T5hat...
dhen 6ou're fown 0n 6ou're mnees hhat... dWhen 6You're fDown 0On 6You're mKnees hThat... Wdhen Y6ou're Dfown O0n Y6ou're Kmnees Thhat...
ehen uou're rown ln uou're jnees yhat... eWhen uYou're rDown lOn uYou're jKnees yThat... Wehen Yuou're Drown Oln Yuou're Kjnees Tyhat...
shen 7ou're cown in 7ou're inees 6hat... sWhen 7You're cDown iOn 7You're iKnees 6That... Wshen Y7ou're Dcown Oin Y7ou're Kinees T6hat...
2hen jou're sown Onn jou're Knnees ghat... 2When jYou're sDown O jYou're Kees gThat... W2hen Yjou're Dsown On Yjou're Kenes Tghat...
qhen tou're Doown Om tou're Kmees rhat... qWhen tYou're Dwn Omn tYou're rThat... Wqhen Ytou're Dwon Onm Ytou're Knmees Trhat...
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