Michael Kiske
Somebody Somewhere

When it gets to red
No air to breathe
Then I am thinking
What if I go now?
When I feel upside down
The pain don't leave
Then I am thinking:
What if I go now?

You may believe here's all you want to achieve.
Can somebody help him!?
You may believe I'm not brave enough to leave.
A little bit of life is more than everything you're begging for.

Hey! Is somebody out there?
Somebody tell me there's some living in this crazy world
Hey! Somebody somewhere!
Can you feel the cold and emptiness in this crazy world
Hey! Somebody help me!
Somebody take my hand and lift me up to something good
Oh, when somebody's leaving,
It's got to be me sometime, it's got to be me sometime.

When it was too much
Of pleasure blood
That she was taking (she thinks:)
What if I go now?
When it all comes down
To lies and truth
And no one gives in (she thinks:)
What if he goes now?

You may believe you're all that's possible
Somebody tell her!
You may believe you miss all the cream and more!
A little bit of light is more than everything you're wishing for!

Hey! Is somebody out there?
Somebody tell me there's some living in this crazy world
Hey! Somebody somewhere!
Can you feel the cold and emptiness in this crazy world
Hey! Somebody help me!
Somebody take my hand and lift me up to something good
Oh, when somebody's leaving,
It's got to be me sometime, it's got to be me sometime.

Mirror lyrics:

It's got to be me sometime, it's got to be me sometime.
Oh, when somebody's leaving,
Somebody take my hand and lift me up to something good
Hey! Somebody help me!
Can you feel the cold and emptiness in this crazy world
Hey! Somebody somewhere!
Somebody tell me there's some living in this crazy world
Hey! Is somebody out there?

A little bit of light is more than everything you're wishing for!
You may believe you miss all the cream and more!
Somebody tell her!
You may believe you're all that's possible

What if he goes now?
And no one gives in (she thinks:)
To lies and truth
When it all comes down
What if I go now?
That she was taking (she thinks:)
Of pleasure blood
When it was too much

It's got to be me sometime, it's got to be me sometime.
Oh, when somebody's leaving,
Somebody take my hand and lift me up to something good
Hey! Somebody help me!
Can you feel the cold and emptiness in this crazy world
Hey! Somebody somewhere!
Somebody tell me there's some living in this crazy world
Hey! Is somebody out there?

A little bit of life is more than everything you're begging for.
You may believe I'm not brave enough to leave.
Can somebody help him!?
You may believe here's all you want to achieve.

What if I go now?
Then I am thinking:
The pain don't leave
When I feel upside down
What if I go now?
Then I am thinking
No air to breathe
When it gets to red

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womebody womewhere wSomebody wSomewhere Swomebody Swomewhere domebody domewhere dSomebody dSomewhere Sdomebody Sdomewhere
eomebody eomewhere eSomebody eSomewhere Seomebody Seomewhere xomebody xomewhere xSomebody xSomewhere Sxomebody Sxomewhere
aomebody aomewhere aSomebody aSomewhere Saomebody Saomewhere Soomebody Soomewhere Smebody Smewhere Smoebody Smoewhere
Skmebody Skmewhere Skomebody Skomewhere Sokmebody Sokmewhere S9mebody S9mewhere S9omebody S9omewhere So9mebody So9mewhere
S0mebody S0mewhere S0omebody S0omewhere So0mebody So0mewhere Slmebody Slmewhere Slomebody Slomewhere Solmebody Solmewhere
Simebody Simewhere Siomebody Siomewhere Soimebody Soimewhere Sommebody Sommewhere Soebody Soewhere Soembody Soemwhere
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Sonmebody Sonmewhere Somnebody Somnewhere Someebody Someewhere Sombody Somwhere Sombeody Somwehere Somsbody Somswhere
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