Michael Jackson
All The Things You Are

You are the promised kiss of springtime
That makes the lonely winter seem long
You are the breathless hush of evening
That trembles on the brink of a lovely song

You are the angel glow that lights a star
The dearest things I know are what you are

Some day my happy arms will hold you
And some day I'll know that moment divine
When all the things you are, are mine

You are the angel glow that lights a star
The dearest things I know are what you are

Some day my happy arms will hold you
And some day I'll know that moment divine
When all the things you are, are mine

Mirror lyrics:

When all the things you are, are mine
And some day I'll know that moment divine
Some day my happy arms will hold you

The dearest things I know are what you are
You are the angel glow that lights a star

When all the things you are, are mine
And some day I'll know that moment divine
Some day my happy arms will hold you

The dearest things I know are what you are
You are the angel glow that lights a star

That trembles on the brink of a lovely song
You are the breathless hush of evening
That makes the lonely winter seem long
You are the promised kiss of springtime

Relevant Tags:
AAll TThe TThings YYou AAre ll he hings ou re lAl hTe hTings oYu rAe zll fhe fhings gou zre zAll fThe fThings gYou zAre Azll Tfhe Tfhings Ygou Azre
qll 5he 5hings hou qre qAll 5The 5Things hYou qAre Aqll T5he T5hings Yhou Aqre sll hhe hhings 6ou sre sAll hThe hThings 6You sAre Asll Thhe Thhings Y6ou Asre
wll yhe yhings uou wre wAll yThe yThings uYou wAre Awll Tyhe Tyhings Yuou Awre xll 6he 6hings 7ou xre xAll 6The 6Things 7You xAre Axll T6he T6hings Y7ou Axre
Alll ghe ghings jou Arre Al gThe gThings jYou Ae All Tghe Tghings Yjou Aer Akl rhe rhings tou Ade Akll rThe rThings tYou Adre Alkl Trhe Trhings Ytou Arde
Aol Yoou A4e Aoll Te Tings Yu A4re Alol Teh Tihngs Yuo Ar4e Apl Tje Tjings Yku Age Apll Tjhe Tjhings Ykou Agre Alpl Thje Thjings Yoku Arge
Tue Tuings Y9u Ate Tuhe Tuhings Y9ou Atre Thue Thuings Yo9u Arte Alk Tne Tnings Y0u A5e Tnhe Tnhings Y0ou A5re Allk Thne Thnings Yo0u Ar5e
Alo Tbe Tbings Ylu Afe Tbhe Tbhings Ylou Afre Allo Thbe Thbings Yolu Arfe Alp Tge Tgings Yiu Aee Yiou Aere Allp Thge Thgings Yoiu Aree
Tye Tyings Youu Yo Ar Thye Thyings You Are Thee Thiings Yoh Ars Th Thngs Yohu Arse The Thnigs Youh Ares
Ths Thjngs Yo7 Ar3 Thse Yo7u Ar3e Thes Thijngs You7 Are3 Th3 Th9ngs Yok Arf Th3e Th9ings The3 Thi9ngs Youk Aref
Thf Thlngs Yoi Arr Thfe Thlings Thef Thilngs Youi Arer Thr Thongs Yo8 Ar4 Thre Thoings Yo8u

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