Mintzkov Luna
In Every Crowd

in every crowd i'm o.k. for a while
but every now and then somehow i find
by running up and down
just one thing i can think of
is quietly fading out
but i won't make a sound

i'm hesitating
can't do this on my own
by what you're saying
i guess you dance alone
well i am waiting
one cigarette ago
i thought we'd be home soon

every crowd i'm in
in every company
everything is you in here
all i do and take
every move you make
everything in here relates
by moving to the sound
it's all that i can think of
and by hitting the ground
the rhythm gets you

i'm hesitating
can't do this on my own
if what you're saying
is you still dance alone
then i'll be waiting
one cigarette or more
i hope to be home soon

every crowd i'm in
makes it all begin
same old song i hear
this sad melody
i tend to be polite
behave and stay around
i'll be doing fine
at least for a while
run run every crowd i'm in you can not run
something makes it all begin
go go same old song i hear i told you so
i hear this sad melody
down down i tend to be polite you hit the ground
right now behave and stay around
see me i'll be doing fine it sets you free
please try at least for a while

in every crowd you're o.k. for a while
in every company but not tonight
by dancing to the sound
it's all that you can think of
and by hitting the ground
the rhythm gets you

Mirror lyrics:

the rhythm gets you
and by hitting the ground
it's all that you can think of
by dancing to the sound
in every company but not tonight
in every crowd you're o.k. for a while

please try at least for a while
see me i'll be doing fine it sets you free
right now behave and stay around
down down i tend to be polite you hit the ground
i hear this sad melody
go go same old song i hear i told you so
something makes it all begin
run run every crowd i'm in you can not run
at least for a while
i'll be doing fine
behave and stay around
i tend to be polite
this sad melody
same old song i hear
makes it all begin
every crowd i'm in

i hope to be home soon
one cigarette or more
then i'll be waiting
is you still dance alone
if what you're saying
can't do this on my own
i'm hesitating

the rhythm gets you
and by hitting the ground
it's all that i can think of
by moving to the sound
everything in here relates
every move you make
all i do and take
everything is you in here
in every company
every crowd i'm in

i thought we'd be home soon
one cigarette ago
well i am waiting
i guess you dance alone
by what you're saying
can't do this on my own
i'm hesitating

but i won't make a sound
is quietly fading out
just one thing i can think of
by running up and down
but every now and then somehow i find
in every crowd i'm o.k. for a while

Relevant Tags:
IIn EEvery CCrowd n very rowd nI vEery rCowd jn svery frowd jIn sEvery fCrowd Ijn Esvery Cfrowd 9n 3very xrowd 9In 3Every xCrowd
I9n E3very Cxrowd ln fvery vrowd lIn fEvery vCrowd Iln Efvery Cvrowd on rvery drowd oIn rEvery dCrowd Ion Ervery Cdrowd kn 4very Crrowd
kIn 4Every Cowd Ikn E4very Corwd 8n dvery Cdowd 8In dEvery I8n Edvery Crdowd un wvery C4owd uIn wEvery C4rowd Iun Ewvery Cr4owd
Inn Evvery Cgowd I Eery Cgrowd In Eevry Crgowd Im Ebery Ctowd Imn Ebvery Ctrowd Inm Evbery Crtowd Ih Ecery C5owd Ihn Ecvery C5rowd
Inh Evcery Cr5owd Ij Egery Cfowd Egvery Inj Evgery Crfowd Ib Efery Ceowd Ibn Cerowd Inb Evfery Creowd Eveery Croowd
Evry Crwd Evrey Crwod Evsry Crkwd Evsery Crkowd Evesry Crokwd Ev3ry Cr9wd Ev3ery Cr9owd Eve3ry Cro9wd
Evfry Cr0wd Cr0owd Evefry Cro0wd

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