Minute By Chance
Clouds In Our Ceiling

The sun is gone again and the sky has dark cloud
That reaches to our ceiling
I'm feeling lonely 'cause now I'm dreaming of you I'm screaming
Your name to hear me
My heart is for you

'Cause tonight I know
Tonight I care
To watch you in your bed and to protect you in your sleep
But this won't make sense to you at all

These memories once again is bothering my mind
The love that was buried long ago is resurrecting because of you
And now I'm healing myself for you

I'm just dreaming
Of you
When will you recognize me
I'm freezing my emotions
I'm left here tongue-tied
I'm waiting for your heart to open up for me

I won't sleep tonight

Mirror lyrics:

I won't sleep tonight

I'm waiting for your heart to open up for me
I'm left here tongue-tied
I'm freezing my emotions
When will you recognize me
Of you
I'm just dreaming

And now I'm healing myself for you
The love that was buried long ago is resurrecting because of you
These memories once again is bothering my mind

But this won't make sense to you at all
To watch you in your bed and to protect you in your sleep
Tonight I care
'Cause tonight I know

My heart is for you
Your name to hear me
I'm feeling lonely 'cause now I'm dreaming of you I'm screaming
That reaches to our ceiling
The sun is gone again and the sky has dark cloud

Relevant Tags:
CClouds IIn OOur CCeiling louds n ur eiling lCouds nI uOr eCiling flouds jn kur feiling fClouds jIn kOur fCeiling Cflouds Ijn Okur Cfeiling
xlouds 9n 9ur xeiling xClouds 9In 9Our xCeiling Cxlouds I9n O9ur Cxeiling vlouds ln 0ur veiling vClouds lIn 0Our vCeiling Cvlouds Iln O0ur Cveiling
dlouds on lur deiling dClouds oIn lOur dCeiling Cdlouds Ion Olur Cdeiling Cllouds kn iur Ceeiling Couds kIn iOur Ciling Coluds Ikn Oiur Cieling
Ckouds 8n Ouur Csiling Cklouds 8In Or Cseiling Clkouds I8n Oru Cesiling Coouds un Ohr C3iling Colouds uIn Ohur C3eiling Cloouds Iun Ouhr Ce3iling
Cpouds Inn O7r Cfiling Cplouds I O7ur Clpouds In Ou7r Cefiling Im Okr Criling Cluds Imn Creiling Cluods Inm Oukr Ceriling
Clkuds Ih Oir C4iling Ihn C4eiling Clokuds Inh Ouir Ce4iling Cl9uds Ij O8r Cdiling Cl9ouds O8ur Clo9uds Inj Ou8r Cediling
Cl0uds Ib Ojr Cwiling Cl0ouds Ibn Ojur Cweiling Clo0uds Inb Oujr Cewiling Clluds Oyr Ceiiling Oyur Celing Cloluds Ouyr Celiing
Cliuds Ourr Cejling Cliouds Ou Cejiling Cloiuds Our Ceijling Clouuds Oud Ce9ling Clods Oudr Ce9iling Clodus Ourd Cei9ling
Clohds Ou4 Celling Clohuds Ou4r Celiling Clouhds Our4 Ceilling Clo7ds Oug Ceoling Clo7uds Ougr Ceoiling Clou7ds Ourg Ceioling
Clokds Out Cekling Outr Cekiling Cloukds Ourt Ceikling Cloids Ou5 Ce8ling Ou5r Ce8iling Clouids Our5 Cei8ling
Clo8ds Ouf Ceuling Clo8uds Oufr Ceuiling

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