Michael Card
To The Mystery

When the Father wanted to show the love He wanted us to know,
He sent His only Son, and so became a holy embryo.

Oh, that is the mystery -- more than you can see.
Give up on your pondering, and fall down on your knees.

As fiction as fantastic and wild -- a mother made by her own child!
A hope the babe who cried was God incarnate and man deified.

That is the mystery -- more than you can see.
Give up on your pondering, and fall down on your knees.

Because the Fall did devastate, the Creator now must re-create.
And so, to take our sin, was made like us so we could be like Him.

That is the mystery -- more than you can see.
Give up on your pondering, and fall down on your knees.

Mirror lyrics:

Give up on your pondering, and fall down on your knees.
That is the mystery -- more than you can see.

And so, to take our sin, was made like us so we could be like Him.
Because the Fall did devastate, the Creator now must re-create.

Give up on your pondering, and fall down on your knees.
That is the mystery -- more than you can see.

A hope the babe who cried was God incarnate and man deified.
As fiction as fantastic and wild -- a mother made by her own child!

Give up on your pondering, and fall down on your knees.
Oh, that is the mystery -- more than you can see.

He sent His only Son, and so became a holy embryo.
When the Father wanted to show the love He wanted us to know,

Relevant Tags:
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T5o T5he Mkystery ho hhe nystery hTo hThe nMystery Tho Thhe Mnystery yo yhe Myystery yTo yThe Mstery Tyo Tyhe Msytery 6o 6he Mgstery
6To 6The Mgystery T6o T6he Mygstery go ghe Mhstery gTo gThe Mhystery Tgo Tghe Myhstery ro rhe M6stery rTo rThe M6ystery Tro Trhe My6stery
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Thef Mysatery Thr Mysttery Thre Mysery Ther Mysetry Th4 Mysfery Th4e Mysftery The4 Mystfery Thd Mys5ery
Thde Mys5tery Thed Myst5ery Thw Myshery Thwe Myshtery Thew Mysthery Mysyery Mysytery Mystyery

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