Michael Card
Things We Leave Behind

There sits Simon,
so foolishly wise
proudly he's tending his nets
Then Jesus calls,
and the boats drift away
all that he owns he forgets

More than the nets
he abandoned that day,
he found that his pride was soon drifting away
It's hard to imagine the freedom we find
from the things we leave behind

Matthew was mindful
of taking the tax,
pressing the people to pay
Hearing the call,
he responded in faith
followed the Light and the Way

Leaving the people
so puzzled he found,
the greed in his heart
was no longer around and
it's hard to imagine
the freedom we find
from the things
we leave behind

Every heart needs to be set free,
from posessions
that hold it so tight
'Cause freedom's not found in the things that we own,
It's the power
to do what is right
Jesus, our only posession,
giving becomes our delight
We can't imagine the freedom we find
from the things we leave behind

We show a love for the world in our lives
by worshipping goods we posess
Jesus has laid all our treasures aside
"love God above all the rest"

'Cause when we say 'no'
to the things of the world
we open our hearts
to the love of the Lord and
its hard to imagine
the freedom we find
from the things we leave behind

Oh, and it's hard to imagine
the freedom we find
from the things
we leave behind

Mirror lyrics:

we leave behind
from the things
the freedom we find
Oh, and it's hard to imagine

from the things we leave behind
the freedom we find
its hard to imagine
to the love of the Lord and
we open our hearts
to the things of the world
'Cause when we say 'no'

"love God above all the rest"
Jesus has laid all our treasures aside
by worshipping goods we posess
We show a love for the world in our lives

from the things we leave behind
We can't imagine the freedom we find
giving becomes our delight
Jesus, our only posession,
to do what is right
It's the power
'Cause freedom's not found in the things that we own,
that hold it so tight
from posessions
Every heart needs to be set free,

we leave behind
from the things
the freedom we find
it's hard to imagine
was no longer around and
the greed in his heart
so puzzled he found,
Leaving the people

followed the Light and the Way
he responded in faith
Hearing the call,
pressing the people to pay
of taking the tax,
Matthew was mindful

from the things we leave behind
It's hard to imagine the freedom we find
he found that his pride was soon drifting away
he abandoned that day,
More than the nets

all that he owns he forgets
and the boats drift away
Then Jesus calls,
proudly he's tending his nets
so foolishly wise
There sits Simon,

Relevant Tags:
TThings WWe LLeave BBehind hings e eave ehind hTings eW eLave eBhind fhings ae keave vehind fThings aWe kLeave vBehind Tfhings Wae Lkeave Bvehind
5hings 3e oeave gehind 5Things 3We oLeave gBehind T5hings W3e Loeave Bgehind hhings de peave nehind hThings dWe pLeave nBehind Thhings Wde Lpeave Bnehind
yhings ee Leeave hehind yThings eWe Lave hBehind Tyhings Wee Laeve Bhehind 6hings se Lsave Beehind 6Things sWe Lseave Bhind T6hings Wse Lesave Bheind
ghings 2e L3ave Bshind gThings 2We L3eave Bsehind Tghings W2e Le3ave Beshind rhings qe Lfave B3hind rThings qWe Lfeave B3ehind Trhings Wqe Lefave Be3hind
Lrave Bfhind Tings W Lreave Bfehind Tihngs We Lerave Befhind Tjings Ws L4ave Brhind Tjhings L4eave Brehind Thjings Wes Le4ave Berhind
Tuings W3 Ldave B4hind Tuhings Ldeave B4ehind Thuings We3 Ledave Be4hind Tnings Wf Lwave Bdhind Tnhings Wfe Lweave Bdehind Thnings Wef Lewave Bedhind
Tbings Wr Leaave Bwhind Tbhings Wre Leve Bwehind Thbings Wer Levae Bewhind Tgings W4 Lezve Behhind W4e Lezave Beind Thgings We4 Leazve Beihnd
Tyings Wd Leqve Bejind Leqave Bejhind Thyings Wed Leaqve Behjind Thiings Ww Lesve Beuind Thngs Wwe Beuhind Thnigs Wew Leasve Behuind
Thjngs Lewve Benind Benhind Thijngs Leawve Behnind Th9ngs Lexve Bebind Th9ings Lexave Bebhind Thi9ngs Leaxve Behbind
Thlngs Leavve Begind Thlings Leae Beghind Thilngs Leaev Behgind Thongs Leabe Beyind Thoings Leabve Beyhind

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