Michael Card
Live This Mystery

When I consider the secret of the One
Who dwells in me
That there is truly a presence
In the heart that will believe
To listen to a silent call
The quiet hunger to give it all

As the river seeks to be
Forgotten in the sea
So my soul is so thirsty
It longs for Thee
Like a moth around the flame
Drawn to the light
And to the pain
Since my life is hid in Thee
I must live this mystery

In Him we live, in Him we move
In Him all things are new
The mystery of life in Christ
Is Christ can live in you
I hear the silence, it's clamoring
There is only Christ, He is everything

In the language of the soul
It's burning like a coal
There's a voice that is saying
"You can be whole"
A life where all is new
Of timeless moments waits for you
With the heart alone you see
You must live this mystery

Mirror lyrics:

You must live this mystery
With the heart alone you see
Of timeless moments waits for you
A life where all is new
"You can be whole"
There's a voice that is saying
It's burning like a coal
In the language of the soul

There is only Christ, He is everything
I hear the silence, it's clamoring
Is Christ can live in you
The mystery of life in Christ
In Him all things are new
In Him we live, in Him we move

I must live this mystery
Since my life is hid in Thee
And to the pain
Drawn to the light
Like a moth around the flame
It longs for Thee
So my soul is so thirsty
Forgotten in the sea
As the river seeks to be

The quiet hunger to give it all
To listen to a silent call
In the heart that will believe
That there is truly a presence
Who dwells in me
When I consider the secret of the One

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LLive TThis MMystery ive his ystery iLve hTis yMstery kive fhis jystery kLive fThis jMystery Lkive Tfhis Mjystery
oive 5his kystery oLive 5This kMystery Loive T5his Mkystery pive hhis nystery pLive hThis nMystery Lpive Thhis Mnystery
Liive yhis Myystery Lve yThis Mstery Lvie Tyhis Msytery Ljve 6his Mgstery Ljive 6This Mgystery Lijve T6his Mygstery
L9ve ghis Mhstery L9ive gThis Mhystery Li9ve Tghis Myhstery Llve rhis M6stery Llive rThis M6ystery Lilve Trhis My6stery
Love Mustery Tis Muystery Liove Tihs Myustery Lkve Tjis M7stery Tjhis M7ystery Likve Thjis My7stery
L8ve Tuis Mjstery L8ive Tuhis Li8ve Thuis Myjstery Luve Tnis Mtstery Luive Tnhis Mtystery Liuve Thnis Mytstery
Livve Tbis Mysstery Lie Tbhis Mytery Liev Thbis Mytsery Libe Tgis Myztery Libve Myzstery Livbe Thgis Mysztery
Lice Tyis Mywtery Licve Mywstery Livce Thyis Myswtery Lige Thiis Mydtery Ligve Ths Mydstery Livge Thsi Mysdtery
Life Thjs Myetery Lifve Myestery Livfe Thijs Mysetery Livee Th9s Myxtery Liv Th9is Myxstery Live Thi9s Mysxtery
Livs Thls Myatery Livse Thlis Myastery Lives Thils Mysatery Liv3 Thos Mysttery Liv3e Thois Mysery Live3 Thios Mysetry
Livf Thks Mysfery Thkis Mysftery Livef Thiks Mystfery Livr Th8s Mys5ery Livre Th8is Mys5tery Liver Thi8s Myst5ery
Liv4 Thus Myshery Liv4e Myshtery Live4 Thius Mysthery Livd Thiss Mysyery Livde Thi Mysytery Lived This Mystyery

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