Michael Card
A New And Living Way

A NEW AND LIVING WAY (From: Soul Anchor)

Year after year there the priest would stand
An offering of blood held out in in his hand
Before the curtain there he would stand in fright
It hung there to hold in the holy ~ to keep in the light

A new and living way
Through the curtain that was torn
The climax of the cross
The moment our hope was born
By a new and living way

And when time was full another Priest came to save
He would offer forgiveness for He was the Offering He gave
From the sacrifice ~ from that dark disgrace
Came the power to make anywhere a Most Holy Place

A new and living way
Through the curtain that was torn
The climax of the cross
The moment our Hope was born
By a new and living way
With confidence we come

So let us come now with confidence
With sprinkled hearts ~ with reverence
And hold unswervingly to that Hope
As we look and see that day approach

A new and living way
A new and living way

A new and living way
Through the curtain that was torn
The climax of the cross
The moment our Hope was born
A new and living way
Through the curtain that was torn
The Climax of the cross
The moment our HOPE was born
By a New and Living Way
A New and Living WAY
A New and Living WAY

Mirror lyrics:

A New and Living WAY
A New and Living WAY
By a New and Living Way
The moment our HOPE was born
The Climax of the cross
Through the curtain that was torn
A new and living way
The moment our Hope was born
The climax of the cross
Through the curtain that was torn
A new and living way

A new and living way
A new and living way

As we look and see that day approach
And hold unswervingly to that Hope
With sprinkled hearts ~ with reverence
So let us come now with confidence

With confidence we come
By a new and living way
The moment our Hope was born
The climax of the cross
Through the curtain that was torn
A new and living way

Came the power to make anywhere a Most Holy Place
From the sacrifice ~ from that dark disgrace
He would offer forgiveness for He was the Offering He gave
And when time was full another Priest came to save

By a new and living way
The moment our hope was born
The climax of the cross
Through the curtain that was torn
A new and living way

It hung there to hold in the holy ~ to keep in the light
Before the curtain there he would stand in fright
An offering of blood held out in in his hand
Year after year there the priest would stand

A NEW AND LIVING WAY (From: Soul Anchor)

Relevant Tags:
AA NNew AAnd LLiving WWay ew nd iving ay A eNw nAd iLving aWy z mew znd kiving aay zA mNew zAnd kLiving aWay Az Nmew Aznd Lkiving Waay
q hew qnd oiving 3ay qA hNew qAnd oLiving 3Way Aq Nhew Aqnd Loiving W3ay s jew snd piving day sA jNew sAnd pLiving dWay As Njew Asnd Lpiving Wday
w bew wnd Liiving eay wA bNew wAnd Lving eWay Aw Nbew Awnd Lviing Weay x Neew xnd Ljving say xA Nw xAnd Ljiving sWay Ax Nwe Axnd Lijving Wsay
Nsw Annd L9ving 2ay Nsew Ad L9iving 2Way Nesw Adn Li9ving W2ay N3w Amd Llving qay N3ew Amnd Lliving qWay Ne3w Anmd Lilving Wqay
Nfw Ahd Loving Nfew Ahnd Wy Nefw Anhd Lioving Wya Nrw Ajd Lkving Wzy Nrew Ajnd Wzay Nerw Anjd Likving Wazy
N4w Abd L8ving Wqy N4ew Abnd L8iving Ne4w Anbd Li8ving Waqy Ndw Andd Luving Wsy Ndew An Luiving Nedw And Liuving Wasy
Nww Anx Livving Wwy Nwew Anxd Liing Wway Neww Andx Liivng Wawy Ane Libing Wxy Ne Aned Libving Wxay New Ande Livbing Waxy
Nea Anf Licing Wayy Neaw Anfd Licving Wa Newa Andf Livcing Way Ne3 Anr Liging Wag Anrd Ligving Wagy New3 Andr Livging Wayg
Ned Anc Lifing Wah Ancd Lifving Wahy Newd Andc Livfing Wayh Nee Ans Liviing Wa6 Ansd Livng Wa6y

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