Michael Bublă©
You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine

You'll never find, as long as you live
Someone who loves you tender like I do
You'll never find, no matter where you search
Someone who cares about you the way I do

No, I'm not braggin' on myself, baby
Cause I'm the one who loves you
And there is no one else! No-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh no one else (no one else)

You'll never find, it'll take the end of all time
Someone to understand you like I do
No I'm not tryin' to make you stay, baby
Cause I'm the one who loves you
And there is no one else! No-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh no one else (no one else)

(You're gonna miss my lovin')
You're gonna miss my lovin' (you're gonna miss my lovin')
You're gonna miss my lovin' (you're gonna miss my lovin')
You're gonna miss my love
Miss my love

You'll never find
Another love like mine
Someone who needs you like I do
No I'm not braggin' on myself, baby
But I'm the one who loves you
And there is no one else!
And there is no one else!
No oh there's just no one else

(You're gonna miss my lovin')
You're gonna miss my lovin' (you're gonna miss my lovin')
I'm gonna miss your lovin' (you're gonna miss my lovin')
I'm gonna miss your lovin' (you're gonna miss my lovin')

Mirror lyrics:

I'm gonna miss your lovin' (you're gonna miss my lovin')
I'm gonna miss your lovin' (you're gonna miss my lovin')
You're gonna miss my lovin' (you're gonna miss my lovin')
(You're gonna miss my lovin')

No oh there's just no one else
And there is no one else!
And there is no one else!
But I'm the one who loves you
No I'm not braggin' on myself, baby
Someone who needs you like I do
Another love like mine
You'll never find

Miss my love
You're gonna miss my love
You're gonna miss my lovin' (you're gonna miss my lovin')
You're gonna miss my lovin' (you're gonna miss my lovin')
(You're gonna miss my lovin')

And there is no one else! No-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh no one else (no one else)
Cause I'm the one who loves you
No I'm not tryin' to make you stay, baby
Someone to understand you like I do
You'll never find, it'll take the end of all time

And there is no one else! No-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh no one else (no one else)
Cause I'm the one who loves you
No, I'm not braggin' on myself, baby

Someone who cares about you the way I do
You'll never find, no matter where you search
Someone who loves you tender like I do
You'll never find, as long as you live

Relevant Tags:
YYou'll NNever FFind AAnother LLove LLike MMine ou'll ever ind nother ove ike ine oYu'll eNver iFnd nAother oLve iLke iMne
gou'll mever cind znother kove kike jine gYou'll mNever cFind zAnother kLove kLike jMine Ygou'll Nmever Fcind Aznother Lkove Lkike Mjine
hou'll hever rind qnother oove oike kine hYou'll hNever rFind qAnother oLove oLike kMine Yhou'll Nhever Frind Aqnother Loove Loike Mkine
6ou'll jever gind snother pove pike nine 6You'll jNever gFind sAnother pLove pLike nMine Y6ou'll Njever Fgind Asnother Lpove Lpike Mnine
uou'll bever tind wnother Liike Miine uYou'll bNever tFind wAnother Lve Lke Mne Yuou'll Nbever Ftind Awnother Lvoe Lkie Mnie
7ou'll Neever vind xnother Lkve Ljke Mjne 7You'll Nver vFind xAnother Ljike Y7ou'll Nveer Fvind Axnother Lokve Lijke Mijne
jou'll Nsver dind Annother L9ve L9ke M9ne jYou'll Nsever dFind Aother L9ove L9ike M9ine Yjou'll Nesver Fdind Aonther Lo9ve Li9ke Mi9ne
tou'll N3ver Fiind Amother L0ve Llke Mlne tYou'll N3ever Fnd Amnother L0ove Llike Mline Ytou'll Ne3ver Fnid Anmother Lo0ve Lilke Milne
Yoou'll Nfver Fjnd Ahother Llve Loke Mone Yu'll Nfever Fjind Ahnother Llove Moine Yuo'll Nefver Fijnd Anhother Lolve Lioke Mione
Yku'll Nrver F9nd Ajother Live Lkke Mkne Ykou'll Nrever F9ind Ajnother Liove Yoku'll Nerver Fi9nd Anjother Loive Likke Mikne
Y9u'll N4ver Flnd Abother Lovve L8ke M8ne Y9ou'll N4ever Flind Abnother Loe L8ike M8ine Yo9u'll Ne4ver Filnd Anbother Loev Li8ke Mi8ne
Y0u'll Ndver Fond Anoother Lobe Luke Mune Y0ou'll Ndever Foind Anther Lobve Luike Muine Yo0u'll Nedver Fiond Antoher Lovbe Liuke Miune
Ylu'll Nwver Fknd Ankther Loce Minne Ylou'll Nwever Fkind Ankother Locve Lie Mie Yolu'll Newver Fiknd Anokther Lovce Liek Mien
Yiu'll Nevver F8nd An9ther Loge Lile Mime Yiou'll Neer F8ind An9other Logve Mimne Yoiu'll Neevr Fi8nd Ano9ther Lovge Likle Minme
Youu'll Neber Fund An0ther Lofe Lioe Mihe Yo'll Nebver Fuind An0other Lofve Mihne Yo'ull Nevber Fiund Ano0ther Lovfe Likoe Minhe
Yoh'll Necer Finnd Anlther Lovee Lime Mije Yohu'll Necver Fid Anlother Lov Limke Youh'll Nevcer Fidn Anolther Love Likme Minje
Yo7'll Neger Fimd Anither Lovs Lije Mibe Yo7u'll Negver Fimnd Aniother Lovse Mibne You7'll Nevger Finmd Anoither Loves Likje Minbe
Yok'll Nefer Fihd Anotther Lov3 Liie Minee Fihnd Anoher Lov3e Min Youk'll Nevfer Finhd Anohter Love3 Likie Mine
Yoi'll Neveer Fijd Anofher Lovf Likee Mins Nevr Anofther Lik Minse Youi'll Nevre Finjd Anotfher Lovef Like Mines
Yo8'll Nevsr Fibd Ano5her Lovr Liks Min3 Yo8u'll Nevser Fibnd Ano5ther Lovre Likse Min3e You8'll Nevesr Finbd Anot5her Lover Likes Mine3
Yoj'll Nev3r Findd Anohher Lov4 Lik3 Minf Yoju'll Nev3er Fin Anohther Lov4e Lik3e Minfe Youj'll Neve3r Find Anothher Love4 Like3 Minef
Yoy'll Nevfr Finx Anoyher Lovd Likf Minr Yoyu'll Finxd Anoyther Lovde Likfe Minre Youy'll Nevefr Findx Anotyher Loved Likef Miner
You''ll Nevrr Fine Ano6her Lovw Likr Min4 Youll Nevrer Fined Ano6ther Lovwe Likre Min4e

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