Modern Day Zero

I've tried to wipe the tears away from your eyes
But you couldn't see the light, you just played it blind
You mask it with laughter, but disaster came after
I let you have your way, I just want you to know

You left me so disappointed, you pushed me so far away
You left me so disappointed, so sad to see you throw your life away

For all the times, I wasted wishing more for your life
You never took the time to want it for yourself
So you fall into your past, and your light is burning fast
And all I can do is shake my head in my hands

You left me so disappointed, you pushed me so far away
You left me so disappointed, so sad to see you throw it away

[Instruments Playing]

You left me so disappointed, you pushed me so far away
You left me so disappointed, so sad to see you throw your life away

Throw it away

Mirror lyrics:

Throw it away

You left me so disappointed, so sad to see you throw your life away
You left me so disappointed, you pushed me so far away

[Instruments Playing]

You left me so disappointed, so sad to see you throw it away
You left me so disappointed, you pushed me so far away

And all I can do is shake my head in my hands
So you fall into your past, and your light is burning fast
You never took the time to want it for yourself
For all the times, I wasted wishing more for your life

You left me so disappointed, so sad to see you throw your life away
You left me so disappointed, you pushed me so far away

I let you have your way, I just want you to know
You mask it with laughter, but disaster came after
But you couldn't see the light, you just played it blind
I've tried to wipe the tears away from your eyes

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DDisappointed isappointed iDsappointed xisappointed xDisappointed Dxisappointed eisappointed eDisappointed Deisappointed
fisappointed fDisappointed Dfisappointed risappointed rDisappointed Drisappointed cisappointed cDisappointed Dcisappointed
sisappointed sDisappointed Dsisappointed Diisappointed Dsappointed Dsiappointed Djsappointed Djisappointed Dijsappointed
D9sappointed D9isappointed Di9sappointed Dlsappointed Dlisappointed Dilsappointed Dosappointed Doisappointed Diosappointed
Dksappointed Dkisappointed Diksappointed D8sappointed D8isappointed Di8sappointed Dusappointed Duisappointed Diusappointed
Dissappointed Diappointed Diasppointed Dizappointed Dizsappointed Diszappointed Diwappointed Diwsappointed Diswappointed
Didappointed Didsappointed Disdappointed Dieappointed Diesappointed Diseappointed Dixappointed Dixsappointed Disxappointed
Diaappointed Diasappointed Disaappointed Disppointed Dispapointed Diszppointed Disazppointed Disqppointed Disqappointed
Disaqppointed Dissppointed Disasppointed Diswppointed Disawppointed Disxppointed Disaxppointed Disapppointed Disapointed
Disappointed Disa0pointed Disa0ppointed Disap0pointed Disalpointed Disalppointed Disaplpointed Disaopointed Disaoppointed
Disapopointed Disapopinted Disap0ointed Disapp0ointed Disaplointed

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