My Exit, Unfair

My exit unobserved,
And my homesickness absurd...
I said "water" expecting the Word would satisfy my thirst,
Talking all about the second and third
When I haven't understood the first.

Jonah, where's that boat going...your ship set with eager sails?
There's a swirling storm soon blowing, and no use, fishermen,
In rowing from the consecrated whale!

And just like the clouds, they bring a darkness and a hard rain's gonna fall,
I felt the crowd bring a loneliness and a hard rain, a hard rain's gonna fall.

And she'd always weight me down,
But, afraid I might need her, I dragged her around,
It's best to keep close sackcloth and ash in a whitewashed town;
She wore that phony smile on her face,
I guess like a bandage on a wounded place,
While I kept the keys to every old lock just in case.

Rehearsed indifference tossed aside,
Our narrow arms spread wide,
"What unseen pen etched eternal things on the hearts of human kind...
But never let them in our minds?"

Oh, the clouds they brought a darkness and a hard rain's gonna fall,
And all my laughter ends in emptiness and a hard rain's gonna fall.
My every medicine causes more illness and a hard rain's gonna fall,
And until I let you go I didn't know, you were never mine...
You were never mine at all.

But now I spend my days in ever-increasingly complicated ways,
Convincing myself of the rightness of each word I say.
My exit, unfair if unobserved!
My exit, unfair if unobserved!
My exit, unfair...
Ya sabur, subhannallahi, a'udhu billahi minash-shaitanir-rajim,
al-hamdu lilllah, bismillahir rahmanir rahim.

Mirror lyrics:

al-hamdu lilllah, bismillahir rahmanir rahim.
Ya sabur, subhannallahi, a'udhu billahi minash-shaitanir-rajim,
My exit, unfair...
My exit, unfair if unobserved!
My exit, unfair if unobserved!
Convincing myself of the rightness of each word I say.
But now I spend my days in ever-increasingly complicated ways,

You were never mine at all.
And until I let you go I didn't know, you were never mine...
My every medicine causes more illness and a hard rain's gonna fall,
And all my laughter ends in emptiness and a hard rain's gonna fall.
Oh, the clouds they brought a darkness and a hard rain's gonna fall,

But never let them in our minds?"
"What unseen pen etched eternal things on the hearts of human kind...
Our narrow arms spread wide,
Rehearsed indifference tossed aside,

While I kept the keys to every old lock just in case.
I guess like a bandage on a wounded place,
She wore that phony smile on her face,
It's best to keep close sackcloth and ash in a whitewashed town;
But, afraid I might need her, I dragged her around,
And she'd always weight me down,

I felt the crowd bring a loneliness and a hard rain, a hard rain's gonna fall.
And just like the clouds, they bring a darkness and a hard rain's gonna fall,

In rowing from the consecrated whale!
There's a swirling storm soon blowing, and no use, fishermen,
Jonah, where's that boat going...your ship set with eager sails?

When I haven't understood the first.
Talking all about the second and third
I said "water" expecting the Word would satisfy my thirst,
And my homesickness absurd...
My exit unobserved,

Relevant Tags:
MMy EExit, UUnfair y xit, nfair yM xEit, nUfair jy sxit, hnfair jMy sExit, hUnfair Mjy Esxit, Uhnfair ky 3xit, 7nfair
kMy 3Exit, 7Unfair Mky E3xit, U7nfair ny fxit, knfair nMy fExit, kUnfair Mny Efxit, Uknfair Myy rxit, infair M rExit, iUnfair
My Erxit, Uinfair Mg 4xit, 8nfair Mgy 4Exit, 8Unfair Myg E4xit, U8nfair Mh dxit, jnfair Mhy dExit, jUnfair Myh Edxit, Ujnfair
M6 wxit, ynfair M6y wExit, yUnfair My6 Ewxit, Uynfair Mu Exxit, Unnfair Muy Eit, Ufair Myu Eixt, Ufnair M7 Edit, Umfair
M7y Umnfair My7 Exdit, Unmfair Mj Ezit, Uhfair Ezxit, Myj Exzit, Unhfair Mt Ecit, Ujfair Mty Ecxit,
Myt Excit, Unjfair Esit, Ubfair Ubnfair Exsit, Unbfair Exiit, Unffair Ext, Unair Exti, Unafir
Exjt, Uncair Exjit, Uncfair Exijt, Unfcair Ex9t, Unrair Ex9it, Unrfair Exi9t, Unfrair Exlt, Ungair
Exlit, Ungfair Exilt, Unfgair Exot, Untair Exoit, Untfair Exiot, Unftair Exkt, Unvair Exkit, Unvfair
Exikt, Unfvair Ex8t, Undair Ex8it, Undfair Exi8t, Unfdair Exut, Unfaair Exuit, Unfir

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