She Came Home For Christmas

Don't touch her there, she's blindfolded.
She remembers on the bus.
Into my heart. Don't remember.
Like you left us without notice.
Now you've come back. Like you left us.
Like you owe us. Into my heart.
It's not me, it can't be.
It's not you. I can't do what I do if it's you. This is not happening.
Don't touch her there. She told me.
She remembers how it felt.
Into my heart. Don't remember.
Like you left us without notice.
It's not me, it can't be.
It's not you. I can't do what I do if it's you. This is not happening.
It's not me, it can't be.
It's not you. I can't do what I do if it's you. This is not happening.
Come home. Come home.
Child, child, child.
It's not me, it can't be.
It's not you. I can't do what I do if it's you. This is not happening.
It's not me, it can't be.
It's not you. I can't do what I do if we're through. This is not happening.
Don't touch her there. He watched her.
She knew his look. From behind.
When she came home for christmas.

Mirror lyrics:

When she came home for christmas.
She knew his look. From behind.
Don't touch her there. He watched her.
It's not you. I can't do what I do if we're through. This is not happening.
It's not me, it can't be.
It's not you. I can't do what I do if it's you. This is not happening.
It's not me, it can't be.
Child, child, child.
Come home. Come home.
It's not you. I can't do what I do if it's you. This is not happening.
It's not me, it can't be.
It's not you. I can't do what I do if it's you. This is not happening.
It's not me, it can't be.
Like you left us without notice.
Into my heart. Don't remember.
She remembers how it felt.
Don't touch her there. She told me.
It's not you. I can't do what I do if it's you. This is not happening.
It's not me, it can't be.
Like you owe us. Into my heart.
Now you've come back. Like you left us.
Like you left us without notice.
Into my heart. Don't remember.
She remembers on the bus.
Don't touch her there, she's blindfolded.

Relevant Tags:
SShe CCame HHome FFor CChristmas he ame ome or hristmas hSe aCme oHme oFr hCristmas zhe fame jome cor fhristmas zShe fCame jHome cFor fChristmas
Szhe Cfame Hjome Fcor Cfhristmas whe xame uome ror xhristmas wShe xCame uHome rFor xChristmas Swhe Cxame Huome Fror Cxhristmas dhe vame nome gor vhristmas
dShe vCame nHome gFor vChristmas Sdhe Cvame Hnome Fgor Cvhristmas ehe dame bome tor dhristmas eShe dCame bHome tFor dChristmas Sehe Cdame Hbome Ftor Cdhristmas
xhe Caame gome vor Chhristmas xShe Cme gHome vFor Cristmas Sxhe Cmae Hgome Fvor Crhistmas ahe Czme yome dor Cjristmas aShe Czame yHome dFor Cjhristmas
Sahe Cazme Hyome Fdor Chjristmas Shhe Cqme Hoome Foor Curistmas Se Cqame Hme Fr Cuhristmas Seh Caqme Hmoe Fro Churistmas Sje Csme Hkme Fkr Cnristmas
Sjhe Csame Hkome Fkor Cnhristmas Shje Casme Hokme Fokr Chnristmas Sue Cwme H9me F9r Cbristmas Suhe Cwame H9ome F9or Cbhristmas Shue Cawme Ho9me Fo9r Chbristmas
Sne Cxme H0me F0r Cgristmas Snhe H0ome F0or Cghristmas Shne Caxme Ho0me Fo0r Chgristmas Sbe Camme Hlme Flr Cyristmas Sbhe Cae Hlome Flor Cyhristmas
Shbe Caem Holme Folr Chyristmas Sge Caje Hime Fir Chrristmas Sghe Cajme Hiome Fior Chistmas Shge Camje Hoime Foir Chirstmas Sye Cake Homme Forr Chdistmas
Syhe Cakme Hoe Fo Chdristmas Shye Camke Hoem For Chrdistmas Shee Cane Hoje Fod Ch4istmas Sh Canme Hojme Fodr Ch4ristmas She Camne Homje Ford Chr4istmas
Shs Camee Hoke Fo4 Chgistmas Shse Cam Fo4r Shes Came Homke For4 Chrgistmas Sh3 Cams Hone Fog Chtistmas Sh3e Camse Honme Fogr Chtristmas
She3 Cames Homne Forg Chrtistmas Shf Cam3 Homee Fot Ch5istmas Shfe Cam3e Hom Fotr Ch5ristmas Shef Came3 Home Fort Chr5istmas Shr Camf Homs Fo5 Chfistmas
Shre Camfe Homse Fo5r Chfristmas Sher Camef Homes For5 Chrfistmas Sh4 Camr Hom3 Fof Cheistmas Sh4e Camre Hom3e Fofr Cheristmas She4 Camer Home3 Forf Chreistmas
Shd Cam4 Homf Foe Chriistmas Shde Cam4e Homfe Foer Chrstmas Shed Came4 Homef Fore Chrsitmas Shw Camd Homr Chrjstmas Shwe Camde Homre Chrjistmas
Shew Camed Homer Chrijstmas Camw Hom4 Chr9stmas Camwe Hom4e Chr9istmas Camew Home4 Chri9stmas Homd Chrlstmas
Homde Chrlistmas Homed Chrilstmas Homw Chrostmas Homwe Chroistmas Homew Chriostmas
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