Fame Give Me Your Love

Ooh ooh, ooh ooh, ooh ooh
Aah aah, aah aah
Give me your love

I can be the one you love forever
I can be the dream of your heart
Every single moment
I'm thinking of you
I wish you felt the same way that I do

Give me your love, give me all of your love
I'm the one for you
Try to believe me I just wanna be
There by your side
Give me your love, give me all of your love
When the morning comes
I've waited tonight and it feels so right
Give me your love

You can turn the winter into summer, oh yeah
You can be my wonder every day, hm ooh
Every time I see you
I just wanna hold you
I wished you felt the same way that I do

Give me your love, give me all of your love
I'm the one for you
Try to believe me I just wanna be
There by your side
Give me your love, give me all of your love
When the morning comes
I've waited tonight and it feels so right
Give me your love

Sometimes I think that you're an angel
And it's plain to see that you can rescue me
Rescue me

Give me your love, give me all of your love
I'm the one for you (I'm the one for you)
Try to believe me I just wanna be
There by your side
Give me your love, give me all of your love
When the morning comes (Morning comes)
I've waited tonight and it feels so right
Give me your love

Mirror lyrics:

Give me your love
I've waited tonight and it feels so right
When the morning comes (Morning comes)
Give me your love, give me all of your love
There by your side
Try to believe me I just wanna be
I'm the one for you (I'm the one for you)
Give me your love, give me all of your love

Rescue me
And it's plain to see that you can rescue me
Sometimes I think that you're an angel

Give me your love
I've waited tonight and it feels so right
When the morning comes
Give me your love, give me all of your love
There by your side
Try to believe me I just wanna be
I'm the one for you
Give me your love, give me all of your love

I wished you felt the same way that I do
I just wanna hold you
Every time I see you
You can be my wonder every day, hm ooh
You can turn the winter into summer, oh yeah

Give me your love
I've waited tonight and it feels so right
When the morning comes
Give me your love, give me all of your love
There by your side
Try to believe me I just wanna be
I'm the one for you
Give me your love, give me all of your love

I wish you felt the same way that I do
I'm thinking of you
Every single moment
I can be the dream of your heart
I can be the one you love forever

Give me your love
Aah aah, aah aah
Ooh ooh, ooh ooh, ooh ooh

Relevant Tags:
FFame GGive MMe YYour LLove ame ive e our ove aFme iGve eM oYur oLve came hive je gour kove cFame hGive jMe gYour kLove Fcame Ghive Mje Ygour Lkove
rame yive ke hour oove rFame yGive kMe hYour oLove Frame Gyive Mke Yhour Loove game bive ne 6our pove gFame bGive nMe 6Your pLove Fgame Gbive Mne Y6our Lpove
tame vive Mee uour tFame vGive M uYour Lve Ftame Gvive Me Yuour Lvoe vame five Ms 7our Lkve vFame fGive Mse 7Your Fvame Gfive Mes Y7our Lokve
dame tive M3 jour L9ve dFame tGive M3e jYour L9ove Fdame Gtive Me3 Yjour Lo9ve Faame Giive Mf tour L0ve Fme Gve Mfe tYour L0ove Fmae Gvie Mef Ytour Lo0ve
Fzme Gjve Mr Yoour Llve Fzame Gjive Mre Yur Llove Fazme Gijve Mer Yuor Lolve Fqme G9ve M4 Ykur Live Fqame G9ive M4e Ykour Liove Faqme Gi9ve Me4 Yokur Loive
Fsme Glve Md Y9ur Lovve Fsame Glive Mde Y9our Loe Fasme Gilve Med Yo9ur Loev Fwme Gove Mw Y0ur Lobe Fwame Goive Mwe Y0our Lobve Fawme Giove Mew Yo0ur Lovbe
Fxme Gkve Ylur Loce Fxame Gkive Ylour Locve Faxme Gikve Yolur Lovce Famme G8ve Yiur Loge Fae G8ive Yiour Logve Faem Gi8ve Yoiur Lovge
Faje Guve Youur Lofe Fajme Guive Yor Lofve

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