Whatever The Deal

I'm lost for like the thousandth time
Take off whatever you have left
Sing to me, something like you're lost
For like the thousandth time

Whatever the deal
I will be waiting for you and
I know how it feels
When English won't get it quite done
Let's take to the hills
And sunburn what is left of us
Whatever the deal
I won't abandon this quite yet

My boss is slacking off again
His boss is taking drugs with him
Sting you bee and count it as a loss
For like the thousandth time

Whatever the deal
I will be waiting for you and
I know how it feels
When English won't get it quite done
Let's take to the hills
And sunburn what is left of us
Whatever the deal
I won't abandon this quite yet

From my lips to your ears this is the truth
Keeping it clean will better serve you
It's not like it is going to take a lot of time
Just step outside and tangle into your sun
Come closer
More closely
Come closer

Let's take to the hills
And smoke out all the villages
Whatever the deal
I won't abandon it quite yet

We thank you for your time
We thank you
We thank you for your time

Mirror lyrics:

We thank you for your time
We thank you
We thank you for your time

I won't abandon it quite yet
Whatever the deal
And smoke out all the villages
Let's take to the hills

Come closer
More closely
Come closer
Just step outside and tangle into your sun
It's not like it is going to take a lot of time
Keeping it clean will better serve you
From my lips to your ears this is the truth

I won't abandon this quite yet
Whatever the deal
And sunburn what is left of us
Let's take to the hills
When English won't get it quite done
I know how it feels
I will be waiting for you and
Whatever the deal

For like the thousandth time
Sting you bee and count it as a loss
His boss is taking drugs with him
My boss is slacking off again

I won't abandon this quite yet
Whatever the deal
And sunburn what is left of us
Let's take to the hills
When English won't get it quite done
I know how it feels
I will be waiting for you and
Whatever the deal

For like the thousandth time
Sing to me, something like you're lost
Take off whatever you have left
I'm lost for like the thousandth time

Relevant Tags:
WWhatever TThe DDeal hatever he eal hWatever hTe eDal ahatever fhe xeal aWhatever fThe xDeal Wahatever Tfhe Dxeal
3hatever 5he eeal 3Whatever 5The eDeal W3hatever T5he Deeal dhatever hhe feal dWhatever hThe fDeal Wdhatever Thhe Dfeal
ehatever yhe real eWhatever yThe rDeal Wehatever Tyhe Dreal shatever 6he ceal sWhatever 6The cDeal Wshatever T6he Dceal
2hatever ghe seal 2Whatever gThe sDeal W2hatever Tghe Dseal qhatever rhe qWhatever rThe Dal Wqhatever Trhe Dael
Whhatever Dsal Watever Te Wahtever Teh Desal Wjatever Tje D3al Wjhatever Tjhe D3eal Whjatever Thje De3al
Wuatever Tue Dfal Wuhatever Tuhe Whuatever Thue Defal Wnatever Tne Dral Wnhatever Tnhe Whnatever Thne Deral
Wbatever Tbe D4al Wbhatever Tbhe D4eal Whbatever Thbe De4al Wgatever Tge Ddal Wghatever Ddeal Whgatever Thge Dedal
Wyatever Tye Dwal Wyhatever Dweal Whyatever Thye Dewal Whaatever Thee Deaal Whtever Th Del Whtaever The Dela
Whztever Ths Dezl Whzatever Thse Dezal Whaztever Thes Deazl Whqtever Th3 Deql Whqatever Th3e Deqal Whaqtever The3 Deaql
Whstever Thf Desl Whsatever Thfe Whastever Thef Deasl Whwtever Thr Dewl Whwatever Thre Whawtever Ther Deawl
Whxtever Th4 Dexl Whxatever Th4e Dexal Whaxtever The4 Deaxl Whattever Thd Deall Whaever Thde Dea Whaetver Thed Deal
Whafever Thw Deak Whaftever Thwe Deakl Whatfever Thew Dealk Wha5ever Deao Wha5tever Deaol What5ever Dealo
Whahever Deap Whahtever Deapl Whathever Dealp Whayever Whaytever Whatyever
Wha6ever Wha6tever What6ever Whagever Whagtever

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