Mc 5
The American Ruse

They told you in school about freedom
But when you try to be free they never let ya
They said "it's easy , nothing to it"
And now the army's out to get ya
Sixty nine America in terminal stasis
The air's so thick it's like drowning in molasses
I'm sick and tired of paying these dues
And i'm finally getting hip to the American ruse

I learned to say the pledge of allegiance
Before they beat me bloody down at the station
They haven't got a word out of me since
I got a billion years probation

Sixty nine America in terminal stasis
The air's so thick it's like drowning in molasses
I'm sick and tired of paying these dues
And i'm sick to my guts of the American ruse
Phony stars, oh no! crummy cars, oh no!
Cheap guitars, oh no! Joe's primitive bar... nah!

Rock'em back, Sonic !
The way they pull you over it's suspicious
Yeah, for something that just ain't your fault
If you complain they're gonna get vicious
Kick in the teeth and charge you with assault
Yeah, but i can see the chickens coming home to roost
Young people everywhere are gonna cook their goose
Lots of kids are working to get rid of these blues
cause everybody's sick of the American ruse

Well well well , take a look around !
Well well well , take a look around !
Well well well , take a look around !
Well well well , take a look around !
Well well well , take a look around !

Mirror lyrics:

Well well well , take a look around !
Well well well , take a look around !
Well well well , take a look around !
Well well well , take a look around !
Well well well , take a look around !

cause everybody's sick of the American ruse
Lots of kids are working to get rid of these blues
Young people everywhere are gonna cook their goose
Yeah, but i can see the chickens coming home to roost
Kick in the teeth and charge you with assault
If you complain they're gonna get vicious
Yeah, for something that just ain't your fault
The way they pull you over it's suspicious
Rock'em back, Sonic !

Cheap guitars, oh no! Joe's primitive bar... nah!
Phony stars, oh no! crummy cars, oh no!
And i'm sick to my guts of the American ruse
I'm sick and tired of paying these dues
The air's so thick it's like drowning in molasses
Sixty nine America in terminal stasis

I got a billion years probation
They haven't got a word out of me since
Before they beat me bloody down at the station
I learned to say the pledge of allegiance

And i'm finally getting hip to the American ruse
I'm sick and tired of paying these dues
The air's so thick it's like drowning in molasses
Sixty nine America in terminal stasis
And now the army's out to get ya
They said "it's easy , nothing to it"
But when you try to be free they never let ya
They told you in school about freedom

Relevant Tags:
TThe AAmerican RRuse he merican use hTe mAerican uRse fhe zmerican duse fThe zAmerican dRuse Tfhe Azmerican Rduse
5he qmerican 4use 5The qAmerican 4Ruse T5he Aqmerican R4use hhe smerican guse hThe sAmerican gRuse Thhe Asmerican Rguse
yhe wmerican tuse yThe wAmerican tRuse Tyhe Awmerican Rtuse 6he xmerican 5use 6The xAmerican 5Ruse T6he Axmerican R5use
ghe Ammerican fuse gThe Aerican fRuse Tghe Aemrican Rfuse rhe Ajerican euse rThe Ajmerican eRuse Trhe Amjerican Reuse
Akerican Ruuse Te Akmerican Rse Teh Amkerican Rsue Tje Anerican Rhse Tjhe Anmerican Rhuse Thje Amnerican Ruhse
Tue Ameerican R7se Tuhe Amrican R7use Thue Amreican Ru7se Tne Amsrican Rkse Tnhe Amserican Rkuse Thne Amesrican Rukse
Tbe Am3rican Rise Tbhe Am3erican Riuse Thbe Ame3rican Ruise Tge Amfrican R8se Amferican R8use Thge Amefrican Ru8se
Tye Amrrican Rjse Amrerican Rjuse Thye Amerrican Rujse Thee Am4rican Ryse Th Am4erican Ryuse The Ame4rican Ruyse
Ths Amdrican Russe Thse Amderican Rue Thes Amedrican Rues Th3 Amwrican Ruze Th3e Amwerican Ruzse The3 Amewrican Rusze
Thf Ruwe Thfe Ameican Ruwse Thef Ameircan Ruswe Thr Amedican Rude Thre Rudse Ther Amerdican Rusde
Th4 Ame4ican Ruee Th4e Ruese The4 Amer4ican Rusee Thd Amegican Ruxe Thde Amegrican Ruxse Thed Amergican Rusxe
Thw Ametican Ruae Thwe Ametrican Ruase Thew Amertican Rusae Ame5ican Ame5rican Rus Amer5ican Ruse

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