Mazzy Star
Look On Down From The Bridge

Look on down from the bridge
There's still fountains down there
Look on down from the bridge
It's still raining, up here

Everybody seems so far away from me
Everybody just wants to be free
Look away from the sky
It's no different when you're leaving home

I can't be the same thing to you now
I'm just gone, just gone
How could I say goodbye
How could I say goodbye

Maybe I'll just place my hands over you
And close my eyes real tight
There's a light in your eyes
And you know, yeah, you know
Look on down from the bridge
I'm still waiting for you

Mirror lyrics:

I'm still waiting for you
Look on down from the bridge
And you know, yeah, you know
There's a light in your eyes
And close my eyes real tight
Maybe I'll just place my hands over you

How could I say goodbye
How could I say goodbye
I'm just gone, just gone
I can't be the same thing to you now

It's no different when you're leaving home
Look away from the sky
Everybody just wants to be free
Everybody seems so far away from me

It's still raining, up here
Look on down from the bridge
There's still fountains down there
Look on down from the bridge

Relevant Tags:
LLook OOn DDown FFrom TThe BBridge ook n own rom he ridge oLok nO oDwn rFom hTe rBidge kook kn xown crom fhe vridge kLook kOn xDown cFrom fThe vBridge
Lkook Okn Dxown Fcrom Tfhe Bvridge oook 9n eown rrom 5he gridge oLook 9On eDown rFrom 5The gBridge Loook O9n Deown Frrom T5he Bgridge pook 0n fown grom hhe nridge
pLook 0On fDown gFrom hThe nBridge Lpook O0n Dfown Fgrom Thhe Bnridge ln rown trom yhe hridge Lok lOn rDown tFrom yThe hBridge Look Oln Drown Ftrom Tyhe Bhridge
Lkok in cown vrom 6he Brridge iOn cDown vFrom 6The Bidge Lokok Oin Dcown Fvrom T6he Birdge L9ok Onn sown drom ghe Bdidge L9ook O sDown dFrom gThe Bdridge
Lo9ok On Dsown Fdrom Tghe Brdidge L0ok Om Doown rhe B4idge L0ook Omn Dwn Fom rThe B4ridge Lo0ok Onm Dwon Form Trhe Br4idge Llok Oh Dkwn Fdom Bgidge
Llook Ohn Dkown Te Lolok Onh Dokwn Frdom Teh Brgidge Liok Oj D9wn F4om Tje Btidge Liook Ojn D9own F4rom Tjhe Btridge Loiok Onj Do9wn Fr4om Thje Brtidge
Ob D0wn Fgom Tue B5idge Obn D0own Tuhe B5ridge Loko Onb Do0wn Frgom Thue Br5idge Lokk Dlwn Ftom Tne Bfidge Dlown Tnhe Bfridge
Lookk Dolwn Frtom Thne Brfidge Lo9k Diwn F5om Tbe Beidge Diown F5rom Tbhe Beridge Loo9k Doiwn Fr5om Thbe Breidge Lo0k Dowwn Ffom Tge Briidge
Don Ffrom Brdge Loo0k Donw Frfom Thge Brdige Lolk Doan Feom Tye Brjdge Doawn Ferom Brjidge Loolk Dowan Freom Thye Brijdge
Loik Do3n Froom Thee Br9dge Do3wn Frm Th Br9idge Looik Dow3n Frmo The Bri9dge Dodn Frkm Ths Brldge Loo Dodwn Frkom Thse Brlidge
Dowdn Frokm Thes Brildge Lool Doen Fr9m Th3 Brodge Doewn Fr9om Th3e Broidge Lookl Dowen Fro9m The3 Briodge Looo Dosn Fr0m Thf Brkdge
Doswn Fr0om Thfe Brkidge Looko Dowsn Fro0m Thef Brikdge Loom Do2n Frlm Thr Br8dge Loomk Do2wn Frlom Thre Br8idge Lookm Dow2n Frolm Ther Bri8dge
Looj Doqn Frim Th4 Brudge Loojk Doqwn Friom Th4e Bruidge Lookj Dowqn Froim The4 Briudge

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