Karl Martindahl Love Turns Water Into Wine

A little luck is here tonight
I can use it
A little faith is by my side
To take me through it
I believe that I'm gonna win
I believe that miracles don't end

Oh, it's happening, I'm falling in
Giving in, feels so good
Love turns water into wine
It's walking in, everything will begin
Let it in, feels so good
Love turns water into wine

And everything will be alright
I can do it
And every dream will come alive
Nothing to it
I believe that I'm gonna win
I believe that miracles don't end

Oh, it's happening, I'm falling in
Giving in, feels so good
Love turns water into wine
It's walking in, everything will begin
Let it in, feels so good
Love turns water into wine
And it tastes like heaven

I can walk on water
I can walk through anything
I let it in

Na na na na na na, na na na, na na na naa
Na na na na na na, na na na, na na na naa
Na na na, na na na naa


Love turns water into wine, yeah, yeah
It's walking in, everything will begin
Let it in, feels so good
Love turns water into wine, oh
It's happening, I'm falling in
Just giving it in
Love turns water into wine
Love turns water into wine
And it tastes like heaven

Mirror lyrics:

And it tastes like heaven
Love turns water into wine
Love turns water into wine
Just giving it in
It's happening, I'm falling in
Love turns water into wine, oh
Let it in, feels so good
It's walking in, everything will begin
Love turns water into wine, yeah, yeah


Na na na, na na na naa
Na na na na na na, na na na, na na na naa
Na na na na na na, na na na, na na na naa

I let it in
I can walk through anything
I can walk on water

And it tastes like heaven
Love turns water into wine
Let it in, feels so good
It's walking in, everything will begin
Love turns water into wine
Giving in, feels so good
Oh, it's happening, I'm falling in

I believe that miracles don't end
I believe that I'm gonna win
Nothing to it
And every dream will come alive
I can do it
And everything will be alright

Love turns water into wine
Let it in, feels so good
It's walking in, everything will begin
Love turns water into wine
Giving in, feels so good
Oh, it's happening, I'm falling in

I believe that miracles don't end
I believe that I'm gonna win
To take me through it
A little faith is by my side
I can use it
A little luck is here tonight

Relevant Tags:
KKarl MMartindahl LLove TTurns WWater IInto WWine arl artindahl ove urns ater nto ine aKrl aMrtindahl oLve uTrns aWter nIto iWne
larl jartindahl kove furns aater jnto aine lKarl jMartindahl kLove fTurns aWater jInto aWine Klarl Mjartindahl Lkove Tfurns Waater Ijnto Waine
oarl kartindahl oove 5urns 3ater 9nto 3ine oKarl kMartindahl oLove 5Turns 3Water 9Into 3Wine Koarl Mkartindahl Loove T5urns W3ater I9nto W3ine
marl nartindahl pove hurns dater lnto dine mKarl nMartindahl pLove hTurns dWater lInto dWine Kmarl Mnartindahl Lpove Thurns Wdater Ilnto Wdine
jarl Maartindahl yurns eater onto eine jKarl Mrtindahl Lve yTurns eWater oInto eWine Kjarl Mratindahl Lvoe Tyurns Weater Ionto Weine
iarl Mzrtindahl Lkve 6urns sater knto sine iKarl Mzartindahl 6Turns sWater kInto sWine Kiarl Mazrtindahl Lokve T6urns Wsater Iknto Wsine
Kaarl Mqrtindahl L9ve gurns 2ater 8nto 2ine Krl Mqartindahl L9ove gTurns 2Water 8Into 2Wine Kral Maqrtindahl Lo9ve Tgurns W2ater I8nto W2ine
Kzrl Msrtindahl L0ve rurns qater unto qine Kzarl Msartindahl L0ove rTurns qWater uInto qWine Kazrl Masrtindahl Lo0ve Trurns Wqater Iunto Wqine
Kqrl Mwrtindahl Llve Tuurns Innto Wiine Kqarl Mwartindahl Llove Trns Wter Ito Wne Kaqrl Mawrtindahl Lolve Truns Wtaer Itno Wnie
Ksrl Mxrtindahl Live Thrns Wzter Imto Wjne Ksarl Mxartindahl Liove Wzater Imnto Wjine Kasrl Maxrtindahl Loive Tuhrns Wazter Inmto Wijne
Kwrl Marrtindahl Lovve T7rns Wqter Ihto W9ne Kwarl Matindahl Loe T7urns Ihnto W9ine Kawrl Matrindahl Loev Tu7rns Waqter Inhto Wi9ne
Kxrl Madtindahl Lobe Tkrns Wster Ijto Wlne Kxarl Madrtindahl Lobve Tkurns Wline Kaxrl Mardtindahl Lovbe Tukrns Waster Injto Wilne
Karrl Ma4tindahl Loce Tirns Wwter Ibto Wone Kal Ma4rtindahl Locve Tiurns Wwater Ibnto Woine Kalr Mar4tindahl Lovce Tuirns Wawter Inbto Wione
Kadl Magtindahl Loge T8rns Wxter Intto Wkne Kadrl Magrtindahl Logve T8urns Wxater Ino Wkine Kardl Margtindahl Lovge Tu8rns Waxter Inot Wikne
Ka4l Mattindahl Lofe Tjrns Watter Info W8ne Ka4rl Matrtindahl Lofve Tjurns Waer Infto W8ine Kar4l Marttindahl Lovfe Tujrns Waetr Intfo Wi8ne
Kagl Ma5tindahl Lovee Tyrns Wafer In5o Wune Kagrl Ma5rtindahl Lov Wafter In5to Wuine Kargl Mar5tindahl Love Tuyrns Watfer Int5o Wiune
Katl Maftindahl Lovs Turrns Wa5er Inho Winne Katrl Mafrtindahl Lovse Tuns Wa5ter Wie Kartl Marftindahl Loves Tunrs Wat5er Intho Wien
Ka5l Maetindahl Lov3 Tudns Waher Inyo Wime Ka5rl Maertindahl Lov3e Tudrns Wahter Inyto Wimne Kar5l Maretindahl Love3 Turdns Wather Intyo Winme
Kafl Lovf Tu4ns Wayer In6o Wihe Kafrl Marindahl Tu4rns Wayter In6to Wihne Karfl Maritndahl Lovef Tur4ns Watyer Int6o Winhe
Kael Marfindahl Lovr Tugns Wa6er Ingo Wije Kaerl Lovre Tugrns Wa6ter Ingto Karel Martfindahl Lover Turgns Wat6er Intgo Winje
Karll Mar5indahl Lov4 Tutns Wager Inro Wibe Kar Lov4e Tutrns Wagter Inrto Wibne Karl Mart5indahl Love4 Turtns Watger Intro Winbe
Kark Marhindahl Lovd Tu5ns Warer Intoo Winee Karkl Marhtindahl Lovde Tu5rns Warter Int Win Karlk Marthindahl Loved Tur5ns Watrer Into Wine
Karo Maryindahl Lovw Tufns Wateer Intk Wins Karol Marytindahl Lovwe Tufrns Watr Intko Winse Karlo Martyindahl Lovew Turfns Watre Intok Wines
Karp Mar6indahl Tuens Watsr Int9 Win3 Karpl Mar6tindahl Tuerns Watser Int9o Win3e Karlp Mart6indahl Turens Watesr Into9 Wine3
Margindahl Turnns Wat3r Int0 Winf Turs Wat3er Int0o Winfe Martgindahl Tursn Wate3r Into0 Winef
Marrindahl Turms Watfr Intl Winr Turmns Intlo Winre Martrindahl Turnms Watefr Intol Winer
Martiindahl Turhs Watrr Inti Win4 Martndahl Turhns Intio Win4e Martnidahl Turnhs Waterr Intoi Wine4
Martjndahl Turjs Wat4r Wind Martjindahl Turjns Wat4er Winde Martijndahl Turnjs Wate4r Wined
Mart9ndahl Turbs Watdr Winw Mart9indahl Turbns Watder Winwe Marti9ndahl Turnbs Watedr Winew
Martlndahl Turnss Watwr Martlindahl Turn Watwer Martilndahl Turns Watewr

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