Jennifer Escola You Are The Sunshine Of My Life

Words couldn't express what you mean to me
You are my everything, baby
A love like this should last forever
C'mon baby let's stay together

Smile, makes me shine up like a glowing star
Wash away all my sorrows
I'm in love for the first time, baby (First time, baby)
Everything seems to be so crazy

(Thinking ‘bout you all the time)
Oh baby yeah
(You rock my world, day and night)
Oh yeah, yeah

You are the sunshine of my life
Wipe away my tears whenever I'm down
I hope we'll be together
And that our love will last forever

You are the sunshine of my life
Wipe away my tears whenever I'm down
I hope we'll be together
And that our love will last forever

I, I can't breathe without you
And I, I can't live without you
All I want is all ‘bout you (About you now)
You're the only one in my heart

(You rock my world, day and night)
Oh baby!

You are the sunshine of my life
Wipe away my tears whenever I'm down
I hope we'll be together
And that our love will last forever (Oh baby)

You are the sunshine of my life (Oh)
Wipe away my tears whenever I'm down
I hope we'll be together
And that our love will last forever

Oh, oh, yeah
Oh baby!

(You are the sunshine of my life)
Oh, oh
Wipe away my tears whenever I'm down
Oh yeah
(And that our love will last forever)

You are the sunshine of my life
Wipe away my tears whenever I'm down
I hope we'll be together
And that our love will last forever

Oh, oh
Wipe away my tears whenever I'm down
Oh yeah, oh baby yeah!
You are the sunshine

Mirror lyrics:

You are the sunshine
Oh yeah, oh baby yeah!
Wipe away my tears whenever I'm down
Oh, oh

And that our love will last forever
I hope we'll be together
Wipe away my tears whenever I'm down
You are the sunshine of my life

(And that our love will last forever)
Oh yeah
Wipe away my tears whenever I'm down
Oh, oh
(You are the sunshine of my life)

Oh baby!
Oh, oh, yeah

And that our love will last forever
I hope we'll be together
Wipe away my tears whenever I'm down
You are the sunshine of my life (Oh)

And that our love will last forever (Oh baby)
I hope we'll be together
Wipe away my tears whenever I'm down
You are the sunshine of my life

Oh baby!
(You rock my world, day and night)

You're the only one in my heart
All I want is all ‘bout you (About you now)
And I, I can't live without you
I, I can't breathe without you

And that our love will last forever
I hope we'll be together
Wipe away my tears whenever I'm down
You are the sunshine of my life

And that our love will last forever
I hope we'll be together
Wipe away my tears whenever I'm down
You are the sunshine of my life

Oh yeah, yeah
(You rock my world, day and night)
Oh baby yeah
(Thinking ‘bout you all the time)

Everything seems to be so crazy
I'm in love for the first time, baby (First time, baby)
Wash away all my sorrows
Smile, makes me shine up like a glowing star

C'mon baby let's stay together
A love like this should last forever
You are my everything, baby
Words couldn't express what you mean to me

Relevant Tags:
JJennifer EEscola YYou AAre TThe SSunshine OOf MMy LLife ennifer scola ou re he unshine f y ife eJnnifer sEcola oYu rAe hTe uSnshine fO yM iLfe
kennifer sscola gou zre fhe zunshine kf jy kife kJennifer sEscola gYou zAre fThe zSunshine kOf jMy kLife Jkennifer Esscola Ygou Azre Tfhe Szunshine Okf Mjy Lkife
iennifer 3scola hou qre 5he wunshine 9f ky oife iJennifer 3Escola hYou qAre 5The wSunshine 9Of kMy oLife Jiennifer E3scola Yhou Aqre T5he Swunshine O9f Mky Loife
mennifer fscola 6ou sre hhe dunshine 0f ny pife mJennifer fEscola 6You sAre hThe dSunshine 0Of nMy pLife Jmennifer Efscola Y6ou Asre Thhe Sdunshine O0f Mny Lpife
nennifer rscola uou wre yhe eunshine lf Myy Liife nJennifer rEscola uYou wAre yThe eSunshine lOf M Lfe Jnennifer Erscola Yuou Awre Tyhe Seunshine Olf My Lfie
hennifer 4scola 7ou xre 6he xunshine if Mg Ljfe hJennifer 4Escola 7You xAre 6The xSunshine iOf Mgy Ljife Jhennifer E4scola Y7ou Axre T6he Sxunshine Oif Myg Lijfe
uennifer dscola jou Arre ghe aunshine Off Mh L9fe uJennifer dEscola jYou Ae gThe aSunshine O Mhy L9ife Juennifer Edscola Yjou Aer Tghe Saunshine Of Myh Li9fe
Jeennifer wscola tou Ade rhe Suunshine Oc M6 Llfe Jnnifer wEscola tYou Adre rThe Snshine Ocf M6y Llife Jnenifer Ewscola Ytou Arde Trhe Snushine Ofc My6 Lilfe
Jsnnifer Yoou A4e Shnshine Or Mu Lofe Jsennifer Ecola Yu A4re Te Shunshine Orf Muy Jesnnifer Ecsola Yuo Ar4e Teh Suhnshine Ofr Myu Liofe
J3nnifer Ezcola Yku Age Tje S7nshine Og M7 Lkfe J3ennifer Ezscola Ykou Agre Tjhe S7unshine Ogf M7y Je3nnifer Eszcola Yoku Arge Thje Su7nshine Ofg My7 Likfe
Jfnnifer Ewcola Y9u Ate Tue Sknshine Ot Mj L8fe Jfennifer Y9ou Atre Tuhe Skunshine Otf L8ife Jefnnifer Eswcola Yo9u Arte Thue Suknshine Oft Myj Li8fe
Jrnnifer Edcola Y0u A5e Tne Sinshine Ov Mt Lufe Jrennifer Y0ou A5re Tnhe Siunshine Ovf Mty Luife Jernnifer Esdcola Yo0u Ar5e Thne Suinshine Ofv Myt Liufe
J4nnifer Eecola Ylu Afe Tbe S8nshine Od Liffe J4ennifer Eescola Ylou Afre Tbhe S8unshine Odf Lie Je4nnifer Esecola Yolu Arfe Thbe Su8nshine Ofd Lief
Jdnnifer Excola Yiu Aee Tge Sjnshine Lice Jdennifer Exscola Yiou Aere Sjunshine Licfe Jednnifer Esxcola Yoiu Aree Thge Sujnshine Lifce
Jwnnifer Eacola Youu Tye Synshine Lire Jwennifer Eascola Yo Ar Syunshine Lirfe Jewnnifer Esacola You Are Thye Suynshine Lifre
Jennnifer Esccola Yoh Ars Thee Sunnshine Lige Jenifer Esola Yohu Arse Th Sushine Ligfe Jennifer Esocla Youh Ares The Susnhine Lifge
Jemnifer Esfola Yo7 Ar3 Ths Sumshine Lite Jemnnifer Esfcola Yo7u Ar3e Thse Sumnshine Litfe Jenmnifer Escfola You7 Are3 Thes Sunmshine Lifte
Jehnifer Esxola Yok Arf Th3 Suhshine Live Jehnnifer Th3e Livfe Jenhnifer Escxola Youk Aref The3 Sunhshine Lifve
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Jebnifer Esdola Yo8 Ar4 Thr Subshine Lifee Jebnnifer Yo8u Thre Subnshine Lif Jenbnifer Escdola You8 Are4 Ther Sunbshine Life
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