Mel Tillis
At The Sight Of You

(Bozo Darnell - Dave Pittman - Jim Johnson)

I go all to pieces at the sight of of you.

I tried to look the other way when you're around
But that takes more strenght than can be found
I just get weak as memories pass through
I go all to pieces at the sight of of you.

How could anyone control me so completely
And make me do the crazy things I do
Little things like forgiving you for being so untrue
I go all to pieces at the sight of of you.

--- Instrumental ---

You've hurt me so many times that I've lost track
Yet given half the chance I take you back
You're the master of my life and there's nothing I can do
I go all to pieces at the sight of of you.

I go all to pieces at the sight of of you...

Mirror lyrics:

I go all to pieces at the sight of of you...

I go all to pieces at the sight of of you.
You're the master of my life and there's nothing I can do
Yet given half the chance I take you back
You've hurt me so many times that I've lost track

--- Instrumental ---

I go all to pieces at the sight of of you.
Little things like forgiving you for being so untrue
And make me do the crazy things I do
How could anyone control me so completely

I go all to pieces at the sight of of you.
I just get weak as memories pass through
But that takes more strenght than can be found
I tried to look the other way when you're around

I go all to pieces at the sight of of you.

(Bozo Darnell - Dave Pittman - Jim Johnson)

Relevant Tags:
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Att ghe aight Off jou A gThe aSight O jYou At Tghe Saight Of Yjou Af rhe Siight Oc tou Aft rThe Sght Ocf tYou Atf Trhe Sgiht Ofc Ytou
A5 Sjght Or Yoou A5t Te Sjight Orf Yu At5 Teh Sijght Ofr Yuo Ah Tje S9ght Og Yku Aht Tjhe S9ight Ogf Ykou Ath Thje Si9ght Ofg Yoku
Ay Tue Slght Ot Y9u Ayt Tuhe Slight Otf Y9ou Aty Thue Silght Oft Yo9u A6 Tne Soght Ov Y0u A6t Tnhe Soight Ovf Y0ou At6 Thne Sioght Ofv Yo0u
Ag Tbe Skght Od Ylu Agt Tbhe Skight Odf Ylou Atg Thbe Sikght Ofd Yolu Ar Tge S8ght Yiu Art S8ight Yiou Atr Thge Si8ght Yoiu
Tye Sught Youu Suight Yo Thye Siught You Thee Sigght Yoh Th Siht Yohu The Sihgt Youh
Ths Sihht Yo7 Thse Sihght Yo7u Thes Sighht You7 Th3 Siyht Yok

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