Melanie Morgan
Didn't Think You'd Let Me Go This Far

Comin' up on highway marker 309
The song on the radio is fadin' out
Every word you said is runnin through my mind
Lookin' for reasons to turn around
I'm wonderin' where this road is takin' me
And drinkin' this coffee I didn't think i'd need (Oh I)

Didn't think you'd let me go this far
Let me take this key
Start up this ol'truck
I thought you'd find it way too hard
To ever let me leave
Cause you loved me way too much
Oh I thought you'd find a way to get me
Back into your arms
I didn't think you'd let me go this far

I see a car behind me coming up too fast
And first thought is that it's you
You've come to say you're sorry baby please come back
I'm ready to say that's all you had to do
I blink my eyes and that car flies on by
And my hope just fades away with every passing mile (I)

You didn't even try to stop me
All you had to do is tell me you want me you need me
Can't live without me

(Repeat Chorus)

Mirror lyrics:

(Repeat Chorus)

Can't live without me
All you had to do is tell me you want me you need me
You didn't even try to stop me

And my hope just fades away with every passing mile (I)
I blink my eyes and that car flies on by
I'm ready to say that's all you had to do
You've come to say you're sorry baby please come back
And first thought is that it's you
I see a car behind me coming up too fast

I didn't think you'd let me go this far
Back into your arms
Oh I thought you'd find a way to get me
Cause you loved me way too much
To ever let me leave
I thought you'd find it way too hard
Start up this ol'truck
Let me take this key
Didn't think you'd let me go this far

And drinkin' this coffee I didn't think i'd need (Oh I)
I'm wonderin' where this road is takin' me
Lookin' for reasons to turn around
Every word you said is runnin through my mind
The song on the radio is fadin' out
Comin' up on highway marker 309

Relevant Tags:
DDidn't TThink YYou'd LLet MMe GGo TThis FFar idn't hink ou'd et e o his ar iDdn't hTink oYu'd eLt eM oG hTis aFr
xidn't fhink gou'd ket je ho fhis car xDidn't fThink gYou'd kLet jMe hGo fThis cFar Dxidn't Tfhink Ygou'd Lket Mje Gho Tfhis Fcar
eidn't 5hink hou'd oet ke yo 5his rar eDidn't 5Think hYou'd oLet kMe yGo 5This rFar Deidn't T5hink Yhou'd Loet Mke Gyo T5his Frar
fidn't hhink 6ou'd pet ne bo hhis gar fDidn't hThink 6You'd pLet nMe bGo hThis gFar Dfidn't Thhink Y6ou'd Lpet Mne Gbo Thhis Fgar
ridn't yhink uou'd Leet Mee vo yhis tar rDidn't yThink uYou'd Lt M vGo yThis tFar Dridn't Tyhink Yuou'd Lte Me Gvo Tyhis Ftar
cidn't 6hink 7ou'd Lst Ms fo 6his var cDidn't 6Think 7You'd Lset Mse fGo 6This vFar Dcidn't T6hink Y7ou'd Lest Mes Gfo T6his Fvar
sidn't ghink jou'd L3t M3 to ghis dar sDidn't gThink jYou'd L3et M3e tGo gThis dFar Dsidn't Tghink Yjou'd Le3t Me3 Gto Tghis Fdar
Diidn't rhink tou'd Lft Mf Goo rhis Faar Ddn't rThink tYou'd Lfet Mfe G rThis Fr Ddin't Trhink Ytou'd Left Mef Go Trhis Fra
Djdn't Yoou'd Lrt Mr Gk Fzr Djidn't Tink Yu'd Lret Mre Gko Tis Fzar Dijdn't Tihnk Yuo'd Lert Mer Gok Tihs Fazr
D9dn't Tjink Yku'd L4t M4 G9 Tjis Fqr D9idn't Tjhink Ykou'd L4et M4e G9o Tjhis Fqar Di9dn't Thjink Yoku'd Le4t Me4 Go9 Thjis Faqr
Dldn't Tuink Y9u'd Ldt Md G0 Tuis Fsr Dlidn't Tuhink Y9ou'd Ldet Mde G0o Tuhis Fsar Dildn't Thuink Yo9u'd Ledt Med Go0 Thuis Fasr
Dodn't Tnink Y0u'd Lwt Mw Gl Tnis Fwr Doidn't Tnhink Y0ou'd Lwet Mwe Glo Tnhis Fwar Diodn't Thnink Yo0u'd Lewt Mew Gol Thnis Fawr
Dkdn't Tbink Ylu'd Lett Gi Tbis Fxr Dkidn't Tbhink Ylou'd Le Gio Tbhis Fxar Dikdn't Thbink Yolu'd Let Goi Thbis Faxr
D8dn't Tgink Yiu'd Lef Tgis Farr D8idn't Yiou'd Fa Di8dn't Thgink Yoiu'd Letf Thgis Far
Dudn't Tyink Youu'd Le5 Tyis Fad Duidn't Yo'd Le5t Fadr Diudn't Thyink Yo'ud Let5 Thyis Fard
Diddn't Thiink Yoh'd Leh Thiis Fa4 Din't Thnk Yohu'd Leht Ths Fa4r Dind't Thnik Youh'd Leth Thsi Far4
Dixn't Thjnk Yo7'd Ley Thjs Fag Dixdn't Yo7u'd Leyt Fagr Didxn't Thijnk You7'd Lety Thijs Farg
Dien't Th9nk Yok'd Le6 Th9s Fat Diedn't Th9ink Le6t Th9is Fatr Diden't Thi9nk Youk'd Let6 Thi9s Fart

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