Melanie Morgan
If I Can't Have Tomorrow

If I can't have tomorrow, what good is today?
If drownin' in my sorrow's the price i'll have to pay
My love ain't yours to borrow if you don't mean to say
If I can't have tomorrow, what good is today?
If your lips only promise what your heart will not allow
And all that lies beyond this are echoes of false vows

So i'm leavin today
No use pleadin', ain't nothing you can say
Ain't no good reason to stay
Why should I stick around
Just to watch my poor heart break?

(Repeat Bridge)

If I can't have tomorrow, what good is today?
If drowin' in my sorrow's the price i'll have to pay
My love ain't yours to borrow if you don't mean to say
If I can't have tomorrow, what good is today?

Mirror lyrics:

If I can't have tomorrow, what good is today?
My love ain't yours to borrow if you don't mean to say
If drowin' in my sorrow's the price i'll have to pay
If I can't have tomorrow, what good is today?

(Repeat Bridge)

Just to watch my poor heart break?
Why should I stick around
Ain't no good reason to stay
No use pleadin', ain't nothing you can say
So i'm leavin today

And all that lies beyond this are echoes of false vows
If your lips only promise what your heart will not allow
If I can't have tomorrow, what good is today?
My love ain't yours to borrow if you don't mean to say
If drownin' in my sorrow's the price i'll have to pay
If I can't have tomorrow, what good is today?

Relevant Tags:
IIf II CCan't HHave TTomorrow f an't ave omorrow fI I aCn't aHve oTmorrow jf j fan't jave fomorrow jIf jI fCan't jHave fTomorrow Ijf Ij Cfan't Hjave Tfomorrow
9f 9 xan't uave 5omorrow 9If 9I xCan't uHave 5Tomorrow I9f I9 Cxan't Huave T5omorrow lf l van't nave homorrow lIf lI vCan't nHave hTomorrow Ilf Il Cvan't Hnave Thomorrow
of o dan't bave yomorrow oIf oI dCan't bHave yTomorrow Iof Io Cdan't Hbave Tyomorrow kf k Caan't gave 6omorrow kIf kI Cn't gHave 6Tomorrow Ikf Ik Cna't Hgave T6omorrow
8f 8 Czn't yave gomorrow 8If 8I Czan't yHave gTomorrow I8f I8 Cazn't Hyave Tgomorrow uf u Cqn't Haave romorrow uIf uI Cqan't Hve rTomorrow Iuf Iu Caqn't Hvae Tromorrow
Iff Csn't Hzve Toomorrow I Csan't Hzave Tmorrow If Casn't Hazve Tmoorrow Ic Cwn't Hqve Tkmorrow Icf Cwan't Hqave Tkomorrow Ifc Cawn't Haqve Tokmorrow
Ir Cxn't Hsve T9morrow Irf Hsave T9omorrow Ifr Caxn't Hasve To9morrow Ig Cann't Hwve T0morrow Igf Ca't Hwave T0omorrow Ifg Ca'nt Hawve To0morrow
It Cam't Hxve Tlmorrow Itf Camn't Hxave Tlomorrow Ift Canm't Haxve Tolmorrow Iv Cah't Havve Timorrow Ivf Cahn't Hae Tiomorrow Ifv Canh't Haev Toimorrow
Id Caj't Habe Tommorrow Idf Cajn't Habve Toorrow Ifd Canj't Havbe Toomrrow Cab't Hace Tojorrow Cabn't Hacve Tojmorrow Canb't Havce Tomjorrow
Can''t Hage Tokorrow Cant Hagve Cant' Havge Tomkorrow Can'tt Hafe Tonorrow Can' Hafve Tonmorrow Can't Havfe Tomnorrow
Can'f Havee Tomoorrow Can'ft Hav Tomrrow Can'tf Have Tomrorow Can'5 Havs Tomkrrow Can'5t Havse Can't5 Haves Tomokrrow
Can'h Hav3 Tom9rrow Can'ht Hav3e Tom9orrow Can'th Have3 Tomo9rrow Can'y Havf Tom0rrow Can'yt Tom0orrow Can'ty Havef Tomo0rrow
Can'6 Havr Tomlrrow Can'6t Havre Tomlorrow Can't6 Haver Tomolrrow Can'g Hav4 Tomirrow Can'gt Hav4e Tomiorrow Can'tg Have4 Tomoirrow
Can'r Havd Tomorrrow Can'rt Havde Tomorow Can'tr Haved Tomorrow

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