Melanie Doane
Waiting For The Tide

I cry up to the man in the moon
Hes the only one can help me now
I bought the line
that as long as I tried
I could not leave empty handed
But I've done all I can do
and now I leave it up to you

I'm waiting for the tide to turn
Waiting for the tide to turn
Waiting, waiting for the tide
to take me
To take me away

Goodnight moon
I should be talkin' to Neptune
He's the one who will teach me patience
For whomever rules the sea
is now the ruler over me

I'm waiting for the tide to turn
Waiting for the tide to turn
Waiting, waiting, for the tide
to take me

So I have proved
some things cant be moved
And here I wait
and the water's creeping up to my chin
I am

waiting for the tide to turn
Waiting for the tide to turn
waiting, wiating for the tide
to take me

Mirror lyrics:

to take me
waiting, wiating for the tide
Waiting for the tide to turn
waiting for the tide to turn

I am
and the water's creeping up to my chin
And here I wait
some things cant be moved
So I have proved

to take me
Waiting, waiting, for the tide
Waiting for the tide to turn
I'm waiting for the tide to turn

is now the ruler over me
For whomever rules the sea
He's the one who will teach me patience
I should be talkin' to Neptune
Goodnight moon

To take me away
to take me
Waiting, waiting for the tide
Waiting for the tide to turn
I'm waiting for the tide to turn

and now I leave it up to you
But I've done all I can do
I could not leave empty handed
that as long as I tried
I bought the line
Hes the only one can help me now
I cry up to the man in the moon

Relevant Tags:
WWaiting FFor TThe TTide aiting or he ide aWiting oFr hTe iTde aaiting cor fhe fide aWaiting cFor fThe fTide Waaiting Fcor Tfhe Tfide
3aiting ror 5he 5ide 3Waiting rFor 5The 5Tide W3aiting Fror T5he T5ide daiting gor hhe hide dWaiting gFor hThe hTide Wdaiting Fgor Thhe Thide
eaiting tor yhe yide eWaiting tFor yThe yTide Weaiting Ftor Tyhe Tyide saiting vor 6he 6ide sWaiting vFor 6The 6Tide Wsaiting Fvor T6he T6ide
2aiting dor ghe gide 2Waiting dFor gThe gTide W2aiting Fdor Tghe Tgide qaiting Foor rhe ride qWaiting Fr rThe rTide Wqaiting Fro Trhe Tride
Fkr Tiide Witing Fkor Te Tde Wiating Fokr Teh Tdie Wziting F9r Tje Tjde Wzaiting F9or Tjhe Tjide Waziting Fo9r Thje Tijde
Wqiting F0r Tue T9de F0or Tuhe T9ide Waqiting Fo0r Thue Ti9de Wsiting Flr Tne Tlde Flor Tnhe Tlide Wasiting Folr Thne Tilde
Wwiting Fir Tbe Tode Wwaiting Fior Tbhe Toide Wawiting Foir Thbe Tiode Wxiting Forr Tge Tkde Wxaiting Fo Tkide Waxiting For Thge Tikde
Waiiting Fod Tye T8de Wating Fodr T8ide Watiing Ford Thye Ti8de Wajting Fo4 Thee Tude Wajiting Fo4r Th Tuide Waijting For4 The Tiude
Wa9ting Fog Ths Tidde Wa9iting Fogr Thse Tie Wai9ting Forg Thes Tied Walting Fot Th3 Tixe Waliting Fotr Th3e Tixde Wailting Fort The3 Tidxe
Waoting Fo5 Thf Tiee Waoiting Fo5r Thfe Tiede Waioting For5 Thef Tidee Wakting Fof Thr Tife Wakiting Fofr Thre Tifde Waikting Forf Ther Tidfe
Wa8ting Foe Th4 Tire Wa8iting Foer Th4e Tirde Wai8ting Fore The4 Tidre Wauting Thd Tice Wauiting Thde Ticde Waiuting Thed Tidce
Waitting Thw Tise Waiing Thwe Tisde Waiitng Thew Tidse Waifing Waifting Tid Waitfing Tide

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