Melanie C
Next Best Superstar

Sign a name, sign away every hour, every day
You're living your dream
Play the game; take the blame for the power and the fame
You're living your dream
Sell your life; sell your soul telling everyone you know
You're living your dream

And you know that you're good
Cause they told you you could be
The next best superstar
And you know you can sing
And you'll do anything to be
The next best superstar
You're the next best superstar

Make a joke, do the show, where does all the money go?
You're living your dream
Crack a smile in denial; throw your morals on the fire
You're living your dream
Sell your life; sell your soul telling everyone you know
You're living your dream

And you know that you're good
Cause they told you you could be
The next best superstar
And you know you can sing
And you'll do anything to be
The next best superstar
You're the next best superstar

Now you're broken
And how they brought you down
So now you're crawling out

And you know that you're good
Cause they told you you could be
The next best superstar
And you know you can sing
And you'll do anything to be
The next best superstar

And you know that you're good
Cause they told you you could be
The next best superstar
And you know you can sing
And you'll do anything to be
The next best superstar
You know you're gonna be Yeah(The next best superstar)
You know you're gonna be Yeah(The next best superstar)
The next best superstar
The next best superstar

Mirror lyrics:

The next best superstar
The next best superstar
You know you're gonna be Yeah(The next best superstar)
You know you're gonna be Yeah(The next best superstar)
The next best superstar
And you'll do anything to be
And you know you can sing
The next best superstar
Cause they told you you could be
And you know that you're good

The next best superstar
And you'll do anything to be
And you know you can sing
The next best superstar
Cause they told you you could be
And you know that you're good

So now you're crawling out
And how they brought you down
Now you're broken

You're the next best superstar
The next best superstar
And you'll do anything to be
And you know you can sing
The next best superstar
Cause they told you you could be
And you know that you're good

You're living your dream
Sell your life; sell your soul telling everyone you know
You're living your dream
Crack a smile in denial; throw your morals on the fire
You're living your dream
Make a joke, do the show, where does all the money go?

You're the next best superstar
The next best superstar
And you'll do anything to be
And you know you can sing
The next best superstar
Cause they told you you could be
And you know that you're good

You're living your dream
Sell your life; sell your soul telling everyone you know
You're living your dream
Play the game; take the blame for the power and the fame
You're living your dream
Sign a name, sign away every hour, every day

Relevant Tags:
NNext BBest SSuperstar ext est uperstar eNxt eBst uSperstar mext vest zuperstar mNext vBest zSuperstar Nmext Bvest Szuperstar
hext gest wuperstar hNext gBest wSuperstar Nhext Bgest Swuperstar jext nest duperstar jNext nBest dSuperstar Njext Bnest Sduperstar
bext hest euperstar bNext hBest eSuperstar Nbext Bhest Seuperstar Neext Beest xuperstar Nxt Bst xSuperstar Nxet Bset Sxuperstar
Nsxt Bsst auperstar Nsext Bsest aSuperstar Nesxt Besst Sauperstar N3xt B3st Suuperstar N3ext B3est Sperstar Ne3xt Be3st Spuerstar
Nfxt Bfst Shperstar Nfext Bfest Shuperstar Nefxt Befst Suhperstar Nrxt Brst S7perstar Nrext Brest S7uperstar Nerxt Berst Su7perstar
N4xt B4st Skperstar N4ext B4est Skuperstar Ne4xt Be4st Sukperstar Ndxt Bdst Siperstar Ndext Bdest Siuperstar Nedxt Bedst Suiperstar
Nwxt Bwst S8perstar Nwext Bwest S8uperstar Newxt Bewst Su8perstar Nexxt Sjperstar Net Bet Sjuperstar Netx Bets Sujperstar
Nedt Bezt Syperstar Bezst Syuperstar Nexdt Beszt Suyperstar Nezt Bewt Supperstar Nezxt Suerstar Nexzt Beswt Sueprstar
Nect Bedt Su0erstar Necxt Su0perstar Nexct Besdt Sup0erstar Nest Beet Sulerstar Sulperstar Nexst Beset Suplerstar
Nextt Bext Suoerstar Nex Bexst Suoperstar Next Besxt Supoerstar Nexf Beat Supeerstar Nexft Beast Suprstar Nextf Besat Suprestar
Nex5 Bestt Supsrstar Nex5t Bes Supserstar Next5 Best Supesrstar Nexh Besf Sup3rstar Nexht Besft Sup3erstar Nexth Bestf Supe3rstar
Nexy Bes5 Supfrstar Nexyt Bes5t Supferstar Nexty Best5 Supefrstar Nex6 Besh Suprrstar Nex6t Besht Suprerstar Next6 Besth Superrstar
Nexg Besy Sup4rstar Nexgt Besyt Sup4erstar Nextg Besty Supe4rstar Nexr Bes6 Supdrstar Nexrt Bes6t Supderstar Nextr Best6 Supedrstar
Besg Supwrstar Besgt Supwerstar Bestg Supewrstar Besr Besrt Supestar Bestr Supesrtar
Supedstar Superdstar Supe4star Super4star Supegstar Supegrstar

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