Mel Tillis
Twelve Long Stem Roses

(Cody Bearpaw)

As I walked through my garden today
Picking flowers for a pretty bouquet
There were many shades of blue white lilies and violets too
But I've picked these long stem roses just for you.

I'm sending roses, twelve long stem roses
Will you not let them wither and die
I've picked them just for you so I'm sending my love to
I hope these long stem roses cheer you when you cry.

I could send just any rose
You've had them all before
But somehow in a different way
Long stem roses mean more.

So I'm sending roses, twelve long stem roses
Will you not let them wither and die
I've picked them just for you so I'm sending my love to
I hope these long stem roses cheer you when you cry.

I'm sending roses, twelve long stem roses
Will you not let them wither and die
I've picked them just for you so I'm sending my love to
I hope these long stem roses cheer you when you cry.

I hope these long stem roses cheer you when you cry...

Mirror lyrics:

I hope these long stem roses cheer you when you cry...

I hope these long stem roses cheer you when you cry.
I've picked them just for you so I'm sending my love to
Will you not let them wither and die
I'm sending roses, twelve long stem roses

I hope these long stem roses cheer you when you cry.
I've picked them just for you so I'm sending my love to
Will you not let them wither and die
So I'm sending roses, twelve long stem roses

Long stem roses mean more.
But somehow in a different way
You've had them all before
I could send just any rose

I hope these long stem roses cheer you when you cry.
I've picked them just for you so I'm sending my love to
Will you not let them wither and die
I'm sending roses, twelve long stem roses

But I've picked these long stem roses just for you.
There were many shades of blue white lilies and violets too
Picking flowers for a pretty bouquet
As I walked through my garden today

(Cody Bearpaw)

Relevant Tags:
TTwelve LLong SStem RRoses welve ong tem oses wTelve oLng tSem oRses fwelve kong ztem doses fTwelve kLong zStem dRoses Tfwelve Lkong Sztem Rdoses
5welve oong wtem 4oses 5Twelve oLong wStem 4Roses T5welve Loong Swtem R4oses hwelve pong dtem goses hTwelve pLong dStem gRoses Thwelve Lpong Sdtem Rgoses
ywelve etem toses yTwelve Lng eStem tRoses Tywelve Lnog Setem Rtoses 6welve Lkng xtem 5oses 6Twelve xStem 5Roses T6welve Lokng Sxtem R5oses
gwelve L9ng atem foses gTwelve L9ong aStem fRoses Tgwelve Lo9ng Satem Rfoses rwelve L0ng Sttem eoses rTwelve L0ong Sem eRoses Trwelve Lo0ng Setm Reoses
Twwelve Llng Sfem Rooses Telve Llong Sftem Rses Tewlve Lolng Stfem Rsoes Taelve Ling S5em Rkses Tawelve Liong S5tem Rkoses Twaelve Loing St5em Rokses
T3elve Lonng Shem R9ses T3welve Log Shtem R9oses Tw3elve Logn Sthem Ro9ses Tdelve Lomg Syem R0ses Tdwelve Lomng Sytem R0oses Twdelve Lonmg Styem Ro0ses
Teelve Lohg S6em Rlses Tewelve Lohng S6tem Rloses Tweelve Lonhg St6em Rolses Tselve Lojg Sgem Rises Tswelve Lojng Sgtem Rioses Twselve Lonjg Stgem Roises
T2elve Lobg Srem Rosses T2welve Lobng Srtem Roes Tw2elve Lonbg Strem Roess Tqelve Longg Steem Rozes Tqwelve Lon Stm Rozses Twqelve Long Stme Roszes
Lonh Stsm Rowes Twlve Stsem Rowses Twleve Longh Stesm Roswes Twslve Lony St3m Rodes Lonyg St3em Rodses Tweslve Longy Ste3m Rosdes
Tw3lve Lonb Stfm Roees Roeses Twe3lve Longb Stefm Rosees Twflve Lonv Strm Roxes Twfelve Lonvg Roxses

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